So Whats The Next Big Thing in Scuba

So Whats The Next Big Thing in Scuba

  • All Recreational Dives will be on Nitrox

    Votes: 29 30.9%
  • Rebreathers will become standard equip

    Votes: 29 30.9%
  • Government Regulation Will Occur

    Votes: 14 14.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 22 23.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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Glockdiver -

My friends and I have already talked about underwater paintball...would that not rock?!! We (briefly) thought about somehow rigging a speargun with a plastic bolt that had a ball on the end of it so it wouldn't hurt....

But probably just a dumb idea :)
MASS-Diver once bubbled...

I don't think it's the "culture" as much as the industry. Tech diving is being pushed as a natural progression from rec diving and I think this is a huge problem, but, I think it's a result of companies trying to make money, not regular divers going around talking about how easy it is to dive to 200'

Don't tell that to the recreational certification agencies. NAUI is the only exception that I can think of in a recreational training agency that isn't being dragged kicking and screaming into this type of diving. PADI is certifying it to catch up to the Tech agencies (IANTD, NSS, GUE, TDI are the ones that immediately come to my mind.) SSI still won't touch certs for diving below 130 ft. or staying down long enough to go past NDL.

I am NOT attempting to put any agencies down by inclusion or exclusion in the above statement. I am just saying that recreational certifying agencies tend to be slow to accept increased risk. They want the sport to seem perfectly safe to a fifteen year old at all times. Some of them even got rid of the idea of telling new students that they could possibly die if an accident happens because they don't want to scare away new divers.

The equipment manufacturers and LDS's are almost forced to push tech diving as it gets divers like me who would have all the gear that they could ever want back into the store to buy more gear and lessons for a different type of diving.

Let's face it! If I had stayed exclusively with my SSI training, I would be done with all my *needed* extra courses that apply to my certification by now if I decided to stay with a non-professional card, (the highest non-professional card in SSI *that means anything to a dive operator* being Master Diver). Instead, the dive shop sells me lessons through IANTD to begin in Tech diving and possibly get me to go to Tri-Mix in a couple of years. I can't be the lone ranger in this situation. (They also sold me a DiveCon course which gets them a free assistant for about eight months, but I can live with that).

Having experienced narcosis, I have no intention of taking a deep air course. So, I would say that the next "Big Thing" will be tri-mix. I will also say that EAN28 works well enough for me at 130 ft. and doesn't require extra tanks and overall hassle that tri-mix entails along with the expense of helium. Eventually, I will learn tri-mix as we have some wrecks that I would like to see that are at about 170 ft. I am NOT doing that on air LOL.
GlockDiver once bubbled...
Self-heating wetsuits?

There are UW heating pads for wetsuits. (really)

GlockDiver once bubbled...
Computerized AI scuba buddies?

Mmmm. {Think of the movie 2001}

"Dave, Please do not go any deeper. I enjoy interacting with humans and I am concerned for your health."

"Dave, Please start a normal 30'/minute ascent."

"Dave, I can not permit you to continue and will start playing show tunes until you begin your ascent."

"Dave, What are you doing? Please do not disconnect me."

Deeper diving will be made possible and easier for everyone... I would say computers will be standard and Dive Tables will be out...

Diving Deeper and Longer through better mixes.

The distant future... well, I like the Star Wars devise they used to breathe underwater... I always thought this will be made possible one day... I mean, we have reached a stage, where they have a pen-sized devise that can turn Urine into Potable water... and george bush is president (LOL) ... what's next?
MikeFerrara once bubbled...

don't kid. If DIR gets that popular not only will PADI teach it but they will probably buy the WKPP and put a picture of GI on the cover of the manual. Imagine...DIR resorts, resort DIR classes, t-shirts, hats, cofee cups, little GI3 DIR action figures with accessories. There will be a DIR OW, DIR AOW, DIR rescue and DIR DM. I'll bet they even have a DIR bubble maker for the kids. Don't forget the specialties like DIR boat, DIR full face mask, DIR dreger rebreather and for the theme park workers a DIR character diver class.

The possibilities are endless...2 day guaranteed DIR certifications on every corner.

Of course there is a downside. Since scubapro and aqualung will still be running the dive industry so the definition of DIR will need to be expanded to include the jacket bcs that these companies make. I'm certain the scubapro split fin and air2 will be DIR also.

I swear, you DIR guys are an elitest cult. The overwhelming number of posts I've seen from DIR folks have a major 'I dive DIR, therefore, I clearly am a superior diver to anyone who is wearing a jacket bc' subtext running through them.

(Sorry, I'm over-caffinated today.)

I don't think PADI will get involved, I think a new agency will simply come into being, DIR.

I re-read my post, and realized something. We are all incredibly passionate about our sport.

And that is a great thing.:D
PhotoTJ once bubbled...

I re-read my post, and realized something. We are all incredibly passionate about our sport.

And that is a great thing.:D

True (and I agree), but I think you missed the point of Mikes Post.

DIR is a system...GUE teaches it, but so could PADI. Given the enthusiasm on the internet, PADI could leverage that for a profit.
JeffG once bubbled...

True (and I agree), but I think you missed the point of Mikes Post.

DIR is a system...GUE teaches it, but so could PADI. Given the enthusiasm on the internet, PADI could leverage that for a profit.

Yep. I blame the caffine.

HEY! Where did you get a Banana Jr. 2000?:wink:
Where the heck is the Banana Jr from?? I'm curious now...
gfisher4792 once bubbled...
How I miss that Bloom County comic....

Berkley are you listening? We want you back. :D


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