He's recently been to Ukraine where he says it is a very big deal holiday. He also says they have more holidays than anyplace he knows.
Nope, we are better...
That's the list of Polish holidays (it's a long one!!!!). I do not know all the names in English so sorry for the rough translation:
1. New Year - day off
2. 6th Jan - 3 Kings holiday (these 3 guy that went to visit new born Jesus)
3. 8th March
4. Ash Wendsday - beggining of the Lent
5. Eastern - Monday off
6. 1st May - Labor Day - day off
7. 3rd May - Mary's Day - the Patron of Poland - day off
8. June - Corpus Christi - it's thursday off
9. 15th August - Another Mary's Day - the Patron of farmers - day off
10. 1st November - Haloween - day off
11. 11th November - Polish National Day - day off
12. Christmas - 2 days off (25th and 26th Dec)
Although not all of them are holidays but anyway most of Poles don't work during these days - they take holiday.
So.... we are not bad, aren't we? As still underdeveloped country we simply can afford having so many days off, can't we? As my friend says - who will forbide the rich to have fun?Mania