just remembered something i wanted to ask all you florida canned air breathers.
what is up with you people and snorkels?
didn't have a problem in Fort Lauderdale, they didn't give a damn that i left the snorkle in my gear bag.
but one boat down in Key Largo.
man they had a fit.
said it was the law that i was required to have the snorkle attached to the mask at all times. and not just tucked through the mask strap, it had to be attached.
you should have see all the zip ties and electrical tape on my set up.
then they said its required that as long as your in the water, you MUST leave your mask on your face, and your reg in you mouth.
so if the reg is always in my mouth, why do i need the snorkle?
lol, oh well, but i still want to return to Key Largo for more diving, was just curious if anyone could shed some light on these strange practices lol
what is up with you people and snorkels?
didn't have a problem in Fort Lauderdale, they didn't give a damn that i left the snorkle in my gear bag.
but one boat down in Key Largo.
man they had a fit.
said it was the law that i was required to have the snorkle attached to the mask at all times. and not just tucked through the mask strap, it had to be attached.
you should have see all the zip ties and electrical tape on my set up.
then they said its required that as long as your in the water, you MUST leave your mask on your face, and your reg in you mouth.
so if the reg is always in my mouth, why do i need the snorkle?
lol, oh well, but i still want to return to Key Largo for more diving, was just curious if anyone could shed some light on these strange practices lol