@amoses For Coz I like this DSMB. It's one of the smaller ones I could find with an OPV. Since you'll be using it in benign conditions and the boat will already be looking for you, you can get away with the small size which makes it easy to shoot and stow away. Like the others say, a spool works fine. I notice you're diving with Tres P (saw you listed in the June roll call). Not only is it nice to shoot if you come up early, it's good for extending your dives as well. As you probably already know, this OP will let you dive your tank. So as long as you have the gas they don't mind you extending your dives after others go up. Coz is a great place to give your "bag" a workout. Have fun.
@amoses For Coz I like this DSMB. It's one of the smaller ones I could find with an OPV. Since you'll be using it in benign conditions and the boat will already be looking for you, you can get away with the small size which makes it easy to shoot and stow away. Like the others say, a spool works fine. I notice you're diving with Tres P (saw you listed in the June roll call). Not only is it nice to shoot if you come up early, it's good for extending your dives as well. As you probably already know, this OP will let you dive your tank. So as long as you have the gas they don't mind you extending your dives after others go up. Coz is a great place to give your "bag" a workout. Have fun.