i would have to disagree on the 600 mp of pro film(s) as even the highest quality scanners are only 8000 DPI (or about 61.4 mpx 6400x9600 scan)and those are pushing the limits the 61.4 mpx is about the max even for medium format.
and the megapixel to quality ratio that alot of people talk about is completely wrong because i have 24x30 prints from a 4 mp cam that look better the film prints(and the same could be said the other way around), in the final analyse its partially the camera but mostly the photographer
also there are recent test of prints from Canon 1d, 1ds, nikon D1h & x (note that these arent consumer cameras the are Pro level cameras and range from 3-5 mp except for the 1ds which is 11mp)compared with some 35 mm bodies (both C & N) and medium format bodies and some of the prints were able to be tell that they were digital and then there were some film prints that the judges thought were digital were and were 35mm or medium so it evened out (BTW the judges were editors for National Geographic so you know they can tell good from bad)
i would have to disagree on the 600 mp of pro film(s) as even the highest quality scanners are only 8000 DPI (or about 61.4 mpx 6400x9600 scan)and those are pushing the limits the 61.4 mpx is about the max even for medium format.
and the megapixel to quality ratio that alot of people talk about is completely wrong because i have 24x30 prints from a 4 mp cam that look better the film prints(and the same could be said the other way around), in the final analyse its partially the camera but mostly the photographer
also there are recent test of prints from Canon 1d, 1ds, nikon D1h & x (note that these arent consumer cameras the are Pro level cameras and range from 3-5 mp except for the 1ds which is 11mp)compared with some 35 mm bodies (both C & N) and medium format bodies and some of the prints were able to be tell that they were digital and then there were some film prints that the judges thought were digital were and were 35mm or medium so it evened out (BTW the judges were editors for National Geographic so you know they can tell good from bad)