The last 4 words of your response say everything...did you read my post entirely? Did you skip the part about sleeping in jumper and jeans and meeting in the middle? Where did I say anything was wrong or people should be different? One thing i will say - your response is the only one in this thread thats been a personal attack - I very respectfully stated this was not a personal attack on
@drrich2 . I used the phrase burn me at the stake expecting what you chose to do, go on a personal attack. I did not say anyone was wrong and people should be different. I'm not that sort of person. I don't put words in peoples mouths. Im speaking specifically about air con wars.
By saying people don't understand how miserable people from other climates are you appear to have echoed my "baffled" comment - seems you are baffled by people not understanding why you are miserable, indeed it does work both ways..
We work in 24c aircon buildings and public buildings are all set to 24c. Personally I find that a bit cool as i have about zero body fat to keep me warm, 26c would suit me all year round but I know that's not gonna happen, so, we deal as you say. Because I say a mindset is the polar opposite to mine on climate does not mean anywhere I stated its wrong/you should yield to my way or its the highway, but here we are. AFAIK LOB cabin shares are allocated without the boat owner sitting there going hmm, we can't put this Australian in with that American and we can't Put that Czech in with the South African because they come from different climates so we will match the Australian and the South African and the American and the Czech. Am I supposed to happily freeze all night and not have it impact somewhat on my time on board because as I said, im hoping to have an awesome trip too. Im thankful that there has been common ground found if odd - Linda in a sheet me in Jeans Jumper all the blankets - I'm saying I'd be unhappy sharing with a person from anywhere who said the aircon better be polar! Because that clearly shows that person has no regard for anyone else's comfort and is unwilling to come to a compromise regardless of it being at the cost of another person's experience.
As other responses have said, shared cabins with complete strangers randomly assigned can be problematic. How problematic depends on each parties willingness to 'deal'.