My 3D Printint Station! [/center]
Once a printer gets set up, it's a thing of beauty. Getting it set up is often frustrating! I added a Sonic Pro Pad to my Ender 3 S1 Pro... had my share of bumps, but she's awesome! I love the Klipper interface too. Speed and finish have improved greatly. If only I could finish up with my Tevo Tornado. She is the first 3D printer I ever owned and was problematic from the start. It became obvious that the board was the source of a lot of my grief, so I got a Fuet II board that I promptly fried. The second one worked for about a month and then that board just died. So now I've got a BTT (BigTreeTech) SKR 3EZ board with a Sprite direct drive hot end. I'm combining this with a BTT Pad 7, which it their answer to Creality's Sonic Pad. It also does Klipper, but my local guru does mostly Marlin.
My problem is that YouTube is failing me! I want to see a specific SKR3 EZ to Pad 7 setup. Or a clear tutorial. I'm halfway through this,
but it's about another printer. and I'm stuck on step 8 on this site: 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ . I keep pushing the buttons and fail to see the ID number I'm supposed to see! Arrrrrgh! Through a Google search, I see people asking the same question and they're not being answered! Complicating this, I'm in a good amount of pain. I need back surgery. It was supposed to happen yesterday, but due to some miscommunications, it has been postponed. The pinch is distracting, especially when it becomes more than a pinch. Standing is almost always uncomfortable, if not painful. Sitting down at my desk long enough to compose a decent post is uncommon. I'm constantly trying to find a sitting position that doesn't hurt. It's more of a sitting slouched position. I can watch TV, but that's so boring! The pain is so distracting, that I often feel like I'm in a fog.My SKR 3 EZ board mounted to 24V power supply before all the wires get plugged in!