I don't think you've taken a nitrox class either, because PPO2 is not affected by repetitive dives. I think what you are referring to is daily O2 % limits or OTUs, which may or may not be a problem in this case. 100ft on EAN32 is a 1.3 PO2. Even with brief surface intervals, the daily exposure limits to a 1.3 are pretty long (don't have a table handy). Pulminary O2 toxicity doesn't really come into play much in recreational diving.
amascuba:Re-read the the guy's post. He's talking about doing repeditive dives to 100' using EAN32 for 30 minutes WITH little to no surface interval. Diving like that will get your PP02 to 1.6 in no time and he will be lucky if he doesn't go into convulsions. It's pretty easy to figure out, just look at your tables (which are conservative to begin with) and you will see how fast he will end up with a PP02 of 1.6. I'm not trolling, I'm just pointing out that this person has a very unsafe attitude towards diving and it's likely that he's going to seriously injure himself, others around him, and/or kill himself. I would rather dive solo than dive with him or even be in the same waters as him.
I've not taken ANY DIR classes, but I do know that the main point of DIR is diving as safely as possible in your environment and what this guy is telling us is not safe, which is not DIR.
lol about the buddah comment.![]()