Remy B.:TDI is the most complete course of Nitrox, you clearly don't know what are you talking about, that is if you want to learn all the aspects of Nitrox, you Take the Online course and you will learn all there is to learn about Nitrox to 40%, you don't need to go the Tec Dive way to take this course, the OP already said he don't want to go that route.
You want to go the easier way then I guess go the CptTP way.
Solo diver brings a ton more than Intro to Tec for the OP, just read the course curriculum in the web site, deploying a SMB is deploying a SMB in Tec or in Rec.
My Nitrox course was between 6-8 hours of classroom instruction and 2 checkout dives. It covered tables, maths, safety procedures, O2 cleaning procedure, it even had a nice practical portion-- hard to get more thorough than that for 40% nitrox. Guess what? Wasn’t TDI. To spout TDI as the end all, be all is just ignorant and nowhere in my post was the word “easier” used or even hinted at.
Solo is not a course where one learns how to dive, buoyancy, trim, stability, and control, or the place where a student is introduced to radically new material. Solo is a course that may introduce a mild change in technique and is there to confirm that you already possess the skill level necessary to dive solo. Here is an article from one of our more experienced posters.
Article and facts aside, Solo is a 1 day course. Intro to Tech/fundies/equivalent is a 2, 3, or even 4 day course. How do you reconcile the line “Solo brings a ton more than intro to tech” in your mind?
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