Skindiver died on spearfishing, Bordum-Turkey

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"Alican, 18 years old son of Tugrul Acar ex-mayor of Bodrum has died during a spearfishing dive course at Kargi island. His friend and father were pretty dying during rescue dives to find Alican.

Ali Cetin (45) restaurant owner in Yalikavak, Yamac Cetin (18) his son and Alican Acar have put to sea with their boat yesterday at 14.00 for speargun fishing. They've started diving at Kargi island. Alican has left the group and did not come back to the boat for about 1,5 hour. The other 2 divers have tried to find him for about 3,5 hours without success. They've finally called Coast Guard. 60 people started to look for Alican.

Rescue team have found Alican's body at 25 mt depth. It has been announced that Alican has fainted during skindiving."

(original news from - Hurriyet newspaper)

I've lost my friend 20 years ago in a similar accident. He has died because of too much hyperventilation. He has fainted at 8 meters and couldn't have seen the surface again. These accidents show the importance of diver's self-control. Please be careful!!!

I send my condolences to Alican's family.
Our condolences also.

I have dived Bodrum and enjoyed it very much--very sad to hear that someone else who obviously loved diving there is gone.

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siz alican'ı tanıyormuydunuz
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çünkü alicana otopsi yapılmadı ve ölümü bana göre hala bir sır
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I don't know personally Alican. I've heard the accident from my friends in Bodrum and read in the newspaper.

I can not tell how Alican has died. But I can explain what has happened to my friend 20 years ago during a skindiving course.

Hyperventilation grants us longer stay underwater. By hyperventilating we increase the oxygen in our lungs proportionally and deceive the breathing center of our brain as if we don't need to breathe. Another saying while breathing is an involuntary action we decide to do it manually. Therefore it may become a dangerous activity in case we hyperventilate one after another without waiting. To my experience I need 5 minutes interval minimum between two hyperventilated dive. Otherwise I can faint easily in a few seconds without any symptom while I am underwater. That's why my friend has passed away.
we were in the same highschool. i cant say he was my friend. my sister and her husband were very close with Alican and his family. his and Alican's father were childhood friends.

I remember that day... i was in my sister's.. it was like noon. we recieved a phone call.. He was missing. We waited all day to hear that he was found and well. Then phone rang and all i know everybody around me started to cry.

The next thing that we had to go through was telling his parents.. my sister and her mother-in-law decided to buy a strong tranquilizer from a doctor they knew. but there was something strange.. Alican's father was also missing.. he was found late in the evening.. he was in shock because his way of learning what happened to his son was the hardest. he was just passing by and checked the crowd just to see dead body of his own son being carried.

weeks passed.. i saw his sister in town. she and i were had this past in highschool we had a few arguements though we both really dont know each other. that day our gazez met. i really wanted to say something to ease her pain. she looked back as if to say 'thank you'
It is very important to acknowledge the pain that is felt by the families when such sad things happen. When a loved one dies, one of the scariest things is that he/she will be forgotten. So, when someone says "I'm sorry about your loss" to the grieving family, it is more comforting than a bad reminder. Many people fear mentioning the loss, because they don't want to bring up a sad feeling for the family. The comfort can be given either by visiting, flowers, cards, food, calls, or the meaningful moment of connecting eyes. But, they are already feeling sad, so don't worry about that. Just tell them that you noticed, that you care.

How very sad for this family to have lost this young man at such a tender age. I feel especially bad for his parents. May God give them peace that passes all understanding.

Andy, thank you for the link to the info on shallow water blackout. I've read that phrase several times here on SB, but never really knew what it was exactly. Also, I had always thought that people hyperventilated prior to free-diving in order to increase the oxygen levels in the body. I appreciate the education.

It is very important to acknowledge the pain that is felt by the families when such sad things happen. When a loved one dies, one of the scariest things is that he/she will be forgotten. So, when someone says "I'm sorry about your loss" to the grieving family, it is more comforting than a bad reminder. Many people fear mentioning the loss, because they don't want to bring up a sad feeling for the family. The comfort can be given either by visiting, flowers, cards, food, calls, or the meaningful moment of connecting eyes. But, they are already feeling sad, so don't worry about that. Just tell them that you noticed, that you care.
Thanx so much for sharing your thoughts


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