I am an avid scuba diver off the coast of Lousisiana and frequent the many oil and gas rigs to spearfish. Yesterday we were on a trip and found fish in the 110 to 130 foot range, a little deeper than we normally find them but we are experienced diving at those depths. While at a depth of 124' FSW i experienced an equipment failure with my first stage and was unable to get any air. I realized then that i was going to have to make an emergency acent to the surface. It was a horribly terrifying experience but I managed to maintain my composure and stayed with my bubbles all the way up. After boarding the boat I noticed a hot sensation in my shoulders and chest which then became itchy. While squezing my shoulder I could feel a bubble like sensation under the skin. The bubbles and itchyness disapeared within an hour and I havent had any problems since. My question is did I have skin bends? How dangerous is skin bends, and should I see a dive oriented physician just to get checked out. While at depth when I noticed the trouble my computer told me I had 2 minutes of no deco time left so I was pretty saturated. Im just glad to be here writing this right now as I realize many people before me have died trying to make an emergency ascent from such a depth.