Sometimes I wonder about the use of IV fluids. And then I remember, the IV saline bag costs $1 per liter, the hospitals usually charge $100 for that same bag--plus labor fees.
If the rash initially went away, that would tend to indicate the oxygen did the trick, no? Do skin bends "come and go" and recur? Or, is it more likely the second rash was just a rash, an allergic reaction, quite possibly related to the inappropriate use of IV fluids and the perhaps not totally sterile invasion of the body that comes with that?
My reaction to an IV is "That's nice, but since I have no trouble swallowing and my digestive tract is functioning, W H Y ?" Medical convenience and the luxury of being able to administer it before it might be needed, I think.
But I'm just a patient...who can't seem to get logical answers on many medical questions. (The scorecard sadly says I've been right more often than wrong on these kind of suspicions.)
If I need hydration? Gimme a PediaLyte. Or a glass of water.