sinus probs

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I have been having a reacurring problem with my sinus not clearing. this has lead to many aborted dives. I hane been told to take decogestants before diving. I would some input on this subject before I try it. :pirate: jfo56
Decogestants are probably a bad thing. If they wear off while you are under, an extrodinarily painfull and dangerous reverse block could result.

if you do, keep the dives shalow, and make sure you have lots of air to come up very very slow.
I have some friends with the same problem , as a precaution they take a few Vicks Vapodrops or other decongestant lozinger with them on the dive.

The theory is if you get a reverse block you pop one in your mouth and let it do its magic n your sinuses.

Please note I am not endorsing this as a solution and I would get your local Dive doctor to give you a checkup

I have the same problem, on and off. Some dives are fine. Others it feels like my head is going to explode. I usually get to descend, but it takes me FOREVER and it's irritating.

I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to get things checked out. I know that allergies are probably half of it, because my eyes have been itching for about two weeks now and I have sneezing fits, but I have no idea what I'm allergic to.

I also have some trouble equalizing my ears. Left ear is fine, but right ear sounds like a firework going off when I try to pop it. I've got some fuzziness in my right ear currently, from the last dive I took. I had ear problems when I was younger (tubes and all that stuff when I was 6).

I've been reading up on it, and it seems that some medications are okay to take (like sudafed, flonase, claritin to name a few), although most people will tell you not to. But, I want a doctors advice and the right prescription for it before I do. I also want to make sure my eustachian tubes are not all messed up. I'm thinking that a good non-drowsy decongestant may clear it up.

I'll let you know how it turns out.
There are multiple previous threads regarding this.. see one from yesterday on Sudafed and Nitrox.

People with chronic difficulty clearing need to talk with their doctors about it. The cause is often allergies or nasal congestion, but not always.

Allergies and Non-allergic rhinitis both tend to respond well to cortisone nose sprays (not like the over-the-counter dristan, afrin, etc.)

There are many potential solutions, and often more than one will work for a patient. I've had my best luck with patients using cortisone nose sprays, but each patient is an individual.

One suggestion; If the medication that works for you has any cautions regarding drowsiness, test it carefully on dry land to make sure it doesn't impair your judgment. It's not good to be caught napping on the reef or falling asleep at 100FSW.

Ruins your dive and makes the divemaster very nervous...

Dive safe and awake,
I went to the doc. She gave me Allegra and Nasonex nasal spray. So far, they have not made me drowsy, and I when I wake up in the morning, I'm not as stopped up as I was. I'm giving the medicine a little over a week to kick in full force, and will probably go diving this weekend.

If I still have problems after this, I'm going to an ENT.

Cross your fingers...

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