Simplifying and consolidating dive logs

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Reaction score
Commerce City, CO
# of dives
25 - 49
I'm a relative newbie to diving. I started with my first training book and then got a nice paper logbook that I neglected to put my training dives in and then I started using Subsurface because I'm much more comfortable typing than writing and I often can't read what I handwrote later anyway (I should have been a doctor!) and then I got my very first dive computer (Mares Puck Pro) that has its own dive log and now I am taking an SSI skills update course that is pushing the SSI dive log. I haven't done anything in person with SSI yet, so I can't talk to the instructor directly.

So... I think Subsurface is what I want to stick with. Does it matter that I have 32 dives in Subsurface and only 27 in my paper book? Do I really need to maintain a paper book or can I just print off a summary from Subsurface if a dive operator or instructor wants to see something on paper? I know I can import from my computer to Subsurface, so I don't really need to use the Mares log. This class is my first experience with SSI at all, but I've seen some posts of people wanting to switch all their logging to SSI. Is this just a matter of preference or will I actually need to keep the SSI log if I take more classes with SSI in the future? My open water was NAUI and my Advanced Open Water was PADI. It seems like every area I live has a different organization that the dive shops are part of, so my future classes might be SSI. I don't love the training content with SSI (which seems heavily and annoyingly peppered with ads for SSI stuff) but it might be all I can find locally.

TL;DR: Can I ditch the paper book and SSI logs and just do everything in Subsurface?
Yes. 🙂

Never had to prove # of dives to anyone, in spite of a stack of cert cards and numerous outings on dive boats. If anyone ever cared, I'd just scroll through Subsurface Mobile.

Honestly, logs are for you. I frequently refer to my notes as to things I did wrong or right, equipment configuration, or new ideas for things to work on in the future.
The only times I've needed to show my log was when signing up for a new dive course to check I meet requirements, or when an operator wants to verify my last dive (so I don't need to do a refresher). You only need to log them in one place. Pick your favourite and stick with it. I've never had anyone question my methodology for logging dives, only that they were logged.
Paper log books are good if the dive needs to be verified by a stamp from the operator (such as training dives), as sometimes the instructor doesn't verify them in the PADI app.
With SSI, what normally happens is that the instructor will examine your log book and then verify the dives up to the date of the course. SSI has a verification step with every dive that needs to be verified by an instructor or your SSI dive buddy, but it's only for an SSI dive count, and otherwise means nothing.
Agreed on never being asked to prove anything. I tried more dive apps than I care to admit, and just recently settled on DiveLogDt (Mac) and Dive Log (iPhone). I hand-entered (ugh) all my paper logs and I'm done with that now (I, too, have a Mares computer - their software sucks btw).
Never had to prove # of dives to anyone, in spite of a stack of cert cards and numerous outings on dive boats. If anyone ever cared, I'd just scroll through Subsurface Mobile.
Honestly, logs are for you. I frequently refer to my notes as to things I did wrong or right, equipment configuration, or new ideas for things to work on in the future.

I've tried more dive apps than I care to admit, and just recently settled on DiveLogDt (Mac) and Dive Log (iPhone). I hand-entered (ugh) all my paper logs and I'm done with that now (I also have a Mares computer - their logging software sucks btw). Dive logging software is just like all your other dive gear - find what works for you and work it.
So I finished the class and the instructor made a big deal about having to use the SSI app and that it was how he could verify my course and that every SSI instructor would be needing to see it in the app. So I downloaded it. It asked for number of dives and what to number this dive and I wasn't sure because I am still trying to consolidate my other dives into one system and I asked if I could change the number later and he said no, that it would revoke the verification and he would have to reverify it (I will probably never see this guy again since he was the local guy at a dive site I am unlikely to revisit and is a 7 hour drive away from my home). He also talked about how SSI is big on the relationship between the shop and the student. That's great for people who live near the shop and who can reasonably stick with one shop for everything. I can't. I get why an organization would make everything proprietary and try to discourage you from working with other organizations, but it's a major turnoff for folks who have to choose based on what is available where they will be at the time.

So yeah... Enough complaining about SSI. I will have the stupid class on the stupid app on my stupid phone and I will do everything else in Subsurface. 😀
Does it matter that I have 32 dives in Subsurface and only 27 in my paper book?
Which one is correct. I’m assuming Subsurface. If so, use that.
Do I really need to maintain a paper book or can I just print off a summary from Subsurface if a dive operator or instructor wants to see something on paper?
No. No need to maintain a paper logbook. Also no need to print a copy. Use Subsurface Mobile on your phone. That should satisfy anyone if they need to see that you’ve done X amount of dives.
I know I can import from my computer to Subsurface, so I don't really need to use the Mares log. This class is my first experience with SSI at all, but I've seen some posts of people wanting to switch all their logging to SSI. Is this just a matter of preference or will I actually need to keep the SSI log if I take more classes with SSI in the future?
No need to use the SSI log. Compared to other electronic logs out there, the SSI log is terrible. An SSI instructor can update your dive count in SSI independent of the SSI log. This is only really necessary for courses where there is a dive count prerequisite.
TL;DR: Can I ditch the paper book and SSI logs and just do everything in Subsurface?
Everyone keeps records for their own reasons. I have a paper logbook and a spreadsheet of all 2,660 dives since 1997. I have about 2,200+ of those dives on an Oceanic download log and just under 900 on the Shearwater Cloud. I refer to all of these relatively frequently. To each their own.
I chose subsurface simply because it support s a whole bunch of formats so I figured in the future I can always export and switch to something else. I chose transcribe all my paper logs into subsurface.
So I finished the class and the instructor made a big deal about having to use the SSI app and that it was how he could verify my course and that every SSI instructor would be needing to see it in the app. So I downloaded it. It asked for number of dives and what to number this dive and I wasn't sure because I am still trying to consolidate my other dives into one system and I asked if I could change the number later and he said no, that it would revoke the verification and he would have to reverify it (I will probably never see this guy again since he was the local guy at a dive site I am unlikely to revisit and is a 7 hour drive away from my home). He also talked about how SSI is big on the relationship between the shop and the student. That's great for people who live near the shop and who can reasonably stick with one shop for everything. I can't. I get why an organization would make everything proprietary and try to discourage you from working with other organizations, but it's a major turnoff for folks who have to choose based on what is available where they will be at the time.

So yeah... Enough complaining about SSI. I will have the stupid class on the stupid app on my stupid phone and I will do everything else in Subsurface. 😀
When you are doing a dive course, it may be necessary to log the training dives in the agency app, just for getting the certification, but they should also be able to use other logs. It depends on the shop and the instructor. I've had some PADI instructors tick off training dives in the app, others in a paper manual, some not at all (just issue the certificate).

My SSI course didn't need training dives, but I needed the SSI log simply for the instructor to verify my number of dives prior to doing the course (I didn't need to enter the dives, he just verified my previous log, but the verified dives show up under mySSI. You need a profile in the app or website to see your certifications anyway.
SSI shops are pushed by the HQ to get new divers to use the SSI app.

Nobody will ever check your logs - as long as your credit card doesn’t bounce or unless you do a dodgy zero-to-hero DM course straight out of open water. You might be asked to show your last dive date in your dive computer.

Use the tool that gives you the most value for what you need to do.

What I found useful to log:
  • What went well and what didn’t. How did I feel about the dive and why? (“I felt rushed on the boat because I didn’t organise my gear the night before. Jumped in with a mask on my forehead. Need to start kitting up sooner next time”)
  • Weights if diving an unusual configuration.
  • SAC rate if doing something unusual.
  • Diagrams of dive sites and wrecks - that’s why I still use paper logs but I’ve seen people use tablets that allow for drawings.
What I’ve seen other people do:
  • Capture memories of cool dives. I’m sadly too lazy but some people have really cool logs with all the fish and short written description.
I keep a dive computer(s) export in Shearwater Cloud and it helps with:
  • Dive profile when planning to dive the same site again, especially if my buddy is limited by gas (“the maximum depth is 48 but I did an enjoyable dive between 38-41m on top of the wreck”).
  • Actual runtimes and deco profiles.
  • Reviewing ascents

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