I’m neither pro or anti “manifold” as I teach and dive both traditional SM and manifold. But, your info about the system (like many others) is incorrect and could mislead others about it. Heaven forbid false info gets on the interwebs......anyways, dive safe, Cheers.
If my information was incorrect then this was your chance to enlighten the misinformed. I have no doubt in my mind that you're more knowledgable about diving than I am. I still don't agree with using the manifold in a cave. In open water I can see the benefits but not in an overhead environment. I can easily hand off one of my cylinders to someone in an emergency and they can rig it like a stage bottle, whether back mount or sidemount. This can't be done with the manifold. I can also remove my tanks if needed with no issues where the manifold has a quick disconnect that will allow small amounts of water to get into the system before the second stage if taken apart underwater. It's an unneeded luxury that is nice to have but would not make me feel safe in an overhead environment. The chances are that you won't be able to convince me the UTD manifold is good to use in overhead but I'm still open minded and would at least like to hear what you have to say so that I"m at least properly informed.