Shuttle Debris Sought in Texas Reservoir

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We know several divers on the Harris County Sheriff's Dept. Search and Recovery Dive team. They are on stand-by to go to Toledo Bend to help with the search.
Ten years or so ago a friend and I went to Kennedy Space Center and did the tour, etc. I bought a set of stickers, replicas of patches worn by the different shuttle crews, but never opened them. A couple of weeks ago I finally opened them and was surprised to see the patch for the final Challenger mission among them. I thought of that when I heard what happened to Columbia, what a sad day for all in both cases. President Bush was right when he said space travel is nearly taken for granted these days. Heck, I didn't even know we had a shuttle up because it just doesn't make the news much except in tiny blurbs in the "National News" section of our local paper.

My prayers are with the family, friends, witnesses and everyone else who has been affected by this tragedy.
Ber :bunny:
Its sad to see that once again greed rears its ugly head in the world. Capitalists! Anything to make a dollar.

Forget that those astronuats had mothers, fathers, wives, husbands or children, and many loved one's who sure wouldn't appreciate these 'eBayed' items.

C'mon America, don't we have more respect and class than that? How can we set and example for the rest of the world when we do inconsiderate things such as this?
ScoobieDooo once bubbled...
Capitalists! Anything to make a dollar.
Quite right.
No capitalists, no Space Shuttle.
No internet.
No United States.
No Freedom.
Yeah, without capitalists we could all be comfortably living in the 15th century for ******* ever!
E. itajara
Jersey once bubbled...
I'm glad to hear that. Was anyone else apalled at the news coverage showing the helmet sitting in the field? I'm not suggesting there were remains in it, just that in my thinking - it's personal gear, and as such, should be reserved for the family. Of course, the local 'rag' here - The Daily News - carried a blown up color shot of it on the cover - front & center. Tasteless.

As a former journalist, now you know why I'm reluctant to get back into the newspaper business. In fact, I have very little interest in returning to it.
ScubaTexan once bubbled...

As a former journalist, now you know why I'm reluctant to get back into the newspaper business. In fact, I have very little interest in returning to it.

:( It's sad that the business is so cut throat that to outdo the competition & sell more papers they need to resort to publishing offensive images. I come from a long line of newspaper men, I understand it is a business. But, as I wrote the paper - it wasn't as if they were lacking for more positive images to capture the tragedy. What next - body parts?

Former sportswriter? Tough line of work. Especially in parts of the country where they take their sports seriously. And they certainly do in the parts of Texas I've visited. How about writing for the business section? Is anyone really passionate about Mergers & Aquisitions...
Jersey once bubbled...
Former sportswriter? Tough line of work. Especially in parts of the country where they take their sports seriously. And they certainly do in the parts of Texas I've visited. How about writing for the business section? Is anyone really passionate about Mergers & Aquisitions...

No, I don't think I want to write for the business section, either. That's just as depressing as everything else is. And with the rate of unemployment rising by the month, it doesn't look like it will be getting any better anytime soon. :(
It's not sick it's sad, an institution such as NASA should be revered and the astronauts worshiped. Lets trust the management of NASA to handle this, not the engineers who have been predicting a catastrophe for years, why do they come out now??

Anyway back on my soap box:

The average person doesn't give a rat's **s about his fellow person. I am surprised that the guy with the bent rake (I am not even sure that this is not an urban tale) has not filed suit against NASA for their responsibility in bending his rake and the mental anguish incurred from debris falling in his yard.

I am pissed about the selling or hording of debris, the smallest clue could lead to the discovery of the mishap, yet morons would rather keep a piece of “history” for them self. For the love of Christ, NASA represents the WESTERN WORLD and our quest to explore space, it is the foremost body in this quest and we had better get behind them and support and accept the challenge and risks that are inherent with mankind’s quest to explore space.

As a Canadian I call NASA ours (as well), though it is an American agency, we contribute (very small, but we contribute) money, resources and personnel to the program and our nation is grateful for the opportunity to participate, as I am sure the Israelis are too.

Let’s not let the Jerry Springer or Ricky Lake guests take over.

I am just ranting and could go on forever. But let’s take responsibility for our actions, let’s not sue a dive operator because our sons or daughters didn’t come back from an activity that they loved to do and lived to love. Space exploration is dangerous those that participated did it because of the love of exploration. Divers are the same, we are explorers and in many ways we operate in a more hostile environment than space, astronauts operate in a –1 atmosphere, divers operate in an environment greater than 2 atmospheres and in most cases 4 atmospheres plus. This is not to take away from space exploration but to reinforce the dive communities support for the exploration of space.

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