cancun mark:
I agree with Boogie,
A solo dive forum is right up there with the "how to drive drunk" and "family fun with explosives" forum
I spent time writing the first post in this thread in order to give a fairly reasoned explanation and encourage debate on the issue. Not to hear this type of nonsense. No biggie, its fully expected. Its simple though - BACK IT UP.
cancun mark:
Dorset boy, you have a lot to answer for on this one buy starting your previous thread. I hope you never get to hear about any deaths that occur from newbies seeing this discussed in open forum and then unsuccessfully giving it a go. I think the whole thread should be removed.
This is about as cheap a cheap shot I have ever seen on this board.
"I hope you never get to hear about any deaths from newbies seeing buddy diving discussed in an open forum and then unsuccessfully giving it a go" This one is for you cancun mark, just to be clear.
cancun mark:
This shows that you do not know the definition of solo diving. Interesting how what appears to be a self explanatory concept once the meaning of the word solo is known, is so misunderstood. Let me translate as this is not an etymologically original english word. Solo means - Alone. Also, thanks for pointing out a failure of the buddy system. They can't stay together and when seperated they can't deal with being alone. I'm exagerating on this point.
If two individual divers descend together planning on surfacing together, any resultant seperation during the dive will indeed cause each one to be alone. Nonetheless, this is a buddy system failure.
Solo divers descend and ascend alone.
Of course, agreed upon combinations thereof could exist. Though it may tend to complicate matters.
So, it goes to prove that not even a person with 17,000 dives under its weightbelt is
immune to catastrophe while going solo. Now we want a forum so people with far less
experience than that can talk about it, and God knows, even try it?
What d'ya know! If I change GOING SOLO to GOING WITH BUDDY - we have a perfect match.
A question for all those opposed: Besides trying to deny others their right to take risks during a dive as they deem fit, risks which may be lower than the ones you take or those fully accepted and discussed here - what other logical reasons of substance do you have to prove your point, which is not equally applicable to non solo forms of diving?