People need to start accepting responsibility for their own actions and keep the legal system out of things. Lawyers have screwed things up enough in the US as it is. To slightly regress here, I find it amazing how things are different in other countries. For example when you visit Coconuts in Cozumel they have a pretty shear drop off to the rocky beach of the ocean. The only thing preventing someone from falling is common sense and a single strand of rope. (For those who are unfamiliar with Coconuts, it is basically a bar). Now if that same business were in the US with the same conditions, they would have a 12-foot high chain link fence with a sign posted every 12 inches stating the fall could be fatal and the establishment is not responsible. In my opinion, if you get drunk and fall off the cliff it is your own fault nobody elses. If you survive, you shouldnt attempt to sue the establishment; if you die, your family shouldnt either. It was your dumb ass that fell because of your stupidity. The same should apply to this circumstance. He was saved once and warned. If he needs saved again case because he did not heed the warnings, he needs to be billed for the rescue. The taxpayers do not need to foot the bill more then once because he is ignorant. They also dont need lawyers involved unless he tries to fight the bill and he decides to take it to court. In that case, if he loses the case he is responsible for the associated fees. In addition, as long as the charter warned him of the issue with his equipment, the charter should not hold any responsibility either. He was the idiot that decided to ignore everyone; therefore, accepting the risk.