You would have to stick your dive computer below the floor boards at the bottom of Nemo to get it to log 33 meters...unless your computer's depth sensor is out of calibration there is no chance to log a 34.5 meter dive there.
You seem enamored with the idea of diving at reality it is one of those things you do once, because you can, and then say "meh". At 25 Euros a session there (they currently don't offer membership, frequent dive pricing, etc), the allure quickly fades. The dive sessions often feel quite rushed and when there are a lot of divers in the session it can often feel quite crowded.
Nemo is a good (safer) place to experience the onset of narcosis, and watch your ascent rate on your computer as you move up in the water column. Of course you can work on buoyancy there...but you will be ridiculously over-weighted by there steel tanks and lack of neoprene don't need a suit because the water is a balmy 30+ degrees celcius and they don't permit them anyway....besides you would probably suffer heat exhaustion before hitting the bottom if you wore anything more than a skin.
The 1-hour sessions are really only about 40-min....a bunch of time is eaten up by the group briefing you get by the staff in charge of the pool, and then the first 10-min in the water you only have mask and can splash around on the surface or do some apnea work down to 10 meters (mind you, if you wear your computer while doing breath held bounces it will affect the amount of no deco time you have when you go on SCUBA down to the bottom). Once the 10 minutes are up you chew a few more minutes into the session getting out of the pool to grab and setup a regulator, bc, and tank....then back into the water with your dive partner to conduct a buddy check.
Finally you get to descend. You reach the bottom. The biggest amazement is when you get to the bottom and you see a bunch of folks just sitting or lying there staring at their computers watching their no deco time tick down and bottom time accumulate....all the while wondering what the heck they are doing and perhaps what it is you should be doing. two by two the divers on the bottom start to disappear....and you wonder why they are leaving until it dawns on you to look at your own no deco time and you realize you are pushing past conservativeness by being at depth very close to your no deco you start your ascent. Perhaps you go up to about 10 meters where they have an alcove where you can stick your head out of the water and talk to your partner in the stale air to share how "cool" you think it all is. Then you stick your regulator back in your mouth pop back under the water and continue swimming upwards. You then find the windows between the restaurant and pool and eagerly tap on the glass and wave to the folks in the restaurant enjoying a beer or a wonder why they and the restaurant staff seem indifferent to you until you realize that you are trying to attract them to look at your nearly naked body while you float about blowing only looks cool in your mind. About this time the lights in the pool are flickered on and off a few times signaling that you should move up in the water column and conduct a 5 meter safety then surface, turn your gear back in to the bins along the wall, and high five your buddy about how cool that was, as you head to the locker room to shower and change.
Eventually the thought of doing it again pops into your head when your fiscal sensibility hits you over the head and you figure out that you paid a chunk of cash to dive in a small but very deep pool...and you realize that while it was neat to do the first time, it would be ridiculously expensive to do with any sense of frequency. You drive away with a sense that you are glad you did it once but there is no longer any allure to really bring you back.....except that it is freaking cold, gray, and rainy here in Belgium for like 90+% of the unless you have a drysuit or can tolerate cold water in a wetsuit (24 August it was 11 degrees at 18-20 meters in the local quarry) may be enticed to dive at Nemo every now and again.