Actually, it is not within standards to do this and I'll bet that if you contact PADI directly they would be interested in speaking to your instructor.jeremyrfoster once bubbled...
The question is not whether or not it is allowed by PADI; they definitely do allow this to happen. The question is whether or not a wise instructor will pursue/allow this route.
AOW requires a total of 5 dives... Deep (60ft+), Navigation, and three "elective" dives.
PADI standards do not allow more than three dives in one day.
The PRErequisite (not COrequisite) for AOW is to be a certified OW diver, therefore, if you have already completed all of the basic skills and only need one more dive to complete OW, you have only two dives left that you can make on that day.
Only a few of the specialties are allowed to be combined, and AFAIK, none may be combined for AOW, so you are looking at a minimum of 2 days of diving. AOW also has classroom requirements.
YES, the skills and experience taught in AOW should be imparted to the students at the OW level, but the AOW cert should not (and "legally" can't) be issued at the same time as the OW cert.
A basic OW diver with 5 more dives under their belt does NOT equal an "Advanced" open water diver.