Sherwood IP?

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Normally I wouldnt know that but I just started getting trained on sherwood regs and I did a few more yesterday.

I dont know if its the standard IP for all regs but I know its for Sherwoods, the shop thats teaching me sells mostly Sherwoods.
135 is preferred but as i am sure you know not always easy to achieve. Depending on whether you are working on a newer sherwood with the piston shims (they each add about 8-10 psi to the IP) or the older style with the adjustable endcap, anything from 135 to about 145 ish is acceptable. I think that in the sherwood manual it says that IP should not exceed 155 psi.

Just make sure you readjustthe second stage or at least check it every time you change the IP at this will alter the cracking resistance :)
They currently recommend 135 - 150 PSI.
The I.P. for Sherwood regs has ran from 115 - 150 PSI.
(The old Magnums used to recommend 125 PSI plus or minus 10 PSI)
Lower I.P. helps prevent freeze up and may offer longer seat life. It may hinder performance though.
Higher I.P. may offer higher performance but there is more likelyhood for freeze up and perhaps possibly shorter seat life.
Somewhere in the mean range is ideal. (The manufacturers usually know their goods better than anyone)

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