Shearwater Cloud (iOS) bug -- minor [solved in 2.11 (with a very obscurely named toggle)]

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(Shearwater Cloud for iOS 2.11.3)

I've been working on using SurfGF and GF99 more consciously, which includes noting in my log what I call "EndGF" -- the GF99 when I reach the surface. (As a possible proxy for decompression stress.*)

The (minor) bug I'm seeing in the iOS version of Shearwater Cloud is that it won't display the last couple of data points; it cuts the chart off while there are still surface data points to display.

Here's an example. First, from Desktop. You can see it's decided the dive length is 50m31s, but it is displaying the 50m40s datapoint, which is the first one actually at 0.0ft.

In fact, it will actually display one further datapoint:

...where you can see that 10 seconds later the GF99 has already declined 5%. This is, in fact, the last datapoint shown in the UDDF export:
            <tankpressure ref="T1">7074023.5</tankpressure>
            <tankpressure ref="T2">6301810.5</tankpressure>
            <tankpressure ref="T3">56247452</tankpressure>
            <tankpressure ref="T4">56247452</tankpressure>

On SC for iOS, though, the last displayable datapoint is the 50m30s datapoint:

Although it almost looks as though there's one more datapoint available, no amount of precision touching will get the popup to appear any later than 50m30s.

(Told you it was a minor bug.)

CR: iOS app should display all recorded*** datapoints, or at least the same ones displayed by the Windows application.

(I don't really expect @Shearwater to respond here; I'm planning on putting this into an email to them -- but I'm curious if others have noticed and perhaps found a workaround on iOS.)

Edit to add: Not 5 minutes later, I found another highly relevant thread that included a screenshot showing that there's a display of "End Surface GF" available -- I've never noticed that. Interestingly, it's the GF from the 50m50s datapoint, which is down 5% from the 50m40s dp that first recorded 0 depth.



(*See discussions at
...and numerous others.**)

(**Incidentally, if anyone knows an easy way to extract max(SurfGF), please let me know; I'd like to be looking at that as well. It's not in the ui, and it's not in the UDDF or SW export. Subsurface displays a (calculated) SurfGF on its chart, but that's cumbersome.)

(***The SW XML export actually has even more post-dive datapoints; it runs all the way to 52m00s. Unlike the UDDF export, it doesn't include <gradientFactor> in the datapoints, though it does include <sac>, <gasTime>, and some other odds and ends.)
...(**Incidentally, if anyone knows an easy way to extract max(SurfGF), please let me know; I'd like to be looking at that as well. It's not in the ui, and it's not in the UDDF or SW export. Subsurface displays a (calculated) SurfGF on its chart, but that's cumbersome.)...
I'd like to see SurfGF added to the SW Cloud graph. That would allow one to follow SurfGF during the dive and one could easily capture maximum SurfGF. See great post by @rsingler

I have suggested adding SurfGF to the graph on a couple occasions to Shearwater. They tell me it is being considered. I have encouraged others to make the same request, perhaps we will get it someday. The recent improvements in the SW Cloud graph are quite substantial and very useful.
(Deeper sigh.) I'm getting further through @rsingler 's super-relevant thread and there's an option in the iOS graph settings called "Clamp Duration". Turned off, it displays more of the datapoints -- although the questions in that thread about GF99 bouncing around after surfacing are interesting now that they're visible.
I'd like to see SurfGF added to the SW Cloud graph. That would allow one to follow SurfGF during the dive and one could easily capture maximum SurfGF. See great post by @rsingler

Yeah, I'm just getting through that thread, which I hadn't found before I originally posted this one. I got in the habit long ago of logging what I called "max N" and "end N" from my old Oceanic DataTrans, which just had a 12 segment bar chart. After a while with the Perdix (and a long while with all the GF99 threads) I decided max(SurfGF) and last(GF99) were analogous.

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