Hi all,
I am new to diving and was just certified over the weekend. I took a two week course- first week did pool dives twice a week, then last week, we did two pool dives and then four open water dives this past weekend (two on Saturday, two on Sunday).
The day after my 2nd class, I had about 6 very painful sharp shooting pains in my chest, and it hurt to breath while this pain was happening. The pain only lasts about 5-10 seconds. This happened three times earlier in the day and three times later in the day, totaling 6. After that day I didn't have anymore so I excused it.
I completed my course yesterday, Sunday, and woke up many times in the middle of the night last night with this same shooting pain. I tossed and turned to see if it would help, but the sharp shooting pains reoccurred at least 5 times. Again, I was so tired from my dives so I'm not sure what time last night that these occurred. When the sharps are not happening, I don't have any shortness of breath or chest pain.
My instructors stressed that we seek medical attention if we have any pain, doesn't matter if it was a day after diving. So today I went to the doctor. She seemed somewhat clueless, asked me if I had eaten spicy food, smoked or drank this week- which I have not done any of those things. She gave me a chest X-ray, was all clear and said I probably had an esophageal spasm and should take some tums. To me that sounded completely incorrect. The pain seemed to be coming from my heart or lungs, and was on the left side of my chest and was not bearable.
I am an active, healthy, female. To my understanding I was doing all of my skills correctly. My husband spends a lot of time diving for work (military) so he advised me to go to the doctor as well.
Has anyone else had an experience like this? Could there have been something going on in my chest that passed before the X-ray was taken?