Sharks...A must read!!!!!!

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Port St Lucie, Florida
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200 - 499
I just received my first issue (#8) of SharkDiver Magazine. While reading I came across this letter to the Editor "A Plea For Help..." It moved me so much, I thought my fellow members of Scubaboard would also benefit from it. It was written by Deena Cooper Brehm, March, 2002. I know you all will feel the same as I did at the end.

Deena Cooper Brehn:
I have traveled thousands of miles in the beautiful oceans of my world. Sometimes by myself and other times with a group. The sun has risen and it appears it will be another beautiful day. I set out for my day of cruising the ocean and hunting for food. While swimming, I hear a loud noise. I look up to the surface, following the sounds of a large vessel passing overhead. These sounds are so common on the oceans these days. I continue my cruising and see others going about their day as well.

As I swim I pick up the sent of food. I am on the move, I need to move fast before another shark beats me to it. To my amazement and luck I find a dead fish floating in the is going to be a great day. It is a perfect little meal and I swallow it whole. I swim off with my prize, only to find I am stuck. What is going on? Why can't I swim away? I swim in another direction, but I can't swim away!

The fish I ate must be attached to something. It's a long rope! I try to spit it out, but it is not coming out, it's stuck! I swim in all directions, but I am going nowhere. I can't get away! I look around for my friends, but they have all left, I am all alone. I stop struggling to rest a bit, I am so tired. I'm having trouble breathing. All of a sudden the rope starts pulling my up to the surface. I am fighting against the rope as hard as I can, but it keeps pulling me. I am so tired, I just need some rest, but I have to get away! The rope has pulled me out of the water. The light is so bright; I can't see what's going on. I feel pain race through my body as I hit the side of something very hard.

I am dumped in a pile with others like me on a hard surface. Why are they piling us all here? Its very confusing and I'm scared. There are so many of us here. To my horror, I see what is about to be my destiny. The men are approaching with long sharp knives. They are cutting my fins off and throwing them in a pile. There is blood running all over the deck. But I can't swim without my fins! None of us can! Why are they doing this?

I feel pain, then...nothing. Next thing I know, I am back into the ocean. The water feels good, but I can't move. What is happening to me?

Slowly, very slowly, I sink to the bottom of the ocean. The ocean is so home. I hit the ocean floor, its so hard to breath. I look around and I see my friends lying next to me. I guess I'm not alone. I am so tired, I need to sleep, maybe just a nap, just a little nap...

From the author,
Fisherman kill millions of sharks each year. All for the high price of shark fin soup. At the rate they are killing sharks there won't be any around for future generations of shark divers to enjoy. The eco-system of the world will be affected by the loss. Dead zones in the ocean will be created with the loss of so many of the ocean's apex predators.

What started out as a beautiful day for a shark has ended in terror. It's too late to help him, but please do what you can to help his friends that are still trying to survive. Say no to shark fin soup and other meals made out of endangered open ocean species. Refuse to shop at markets and eat at restaurants that offer these meals, and let the owners and managers know why.

We Need Your Help To Survive!
We Cannot Do It Alone!
From the Sharks of the World's Oceans.

Written By: Deena Cooper Brehn
March 2002

After I read this, I was about in tears. I have never had these meals, but I have heard the plea for others to stop eating them. This story puts us in the shark's place. For me, it is a great story. I hope you all feel the same as I do.
Most westerners probably don't eat shark fin soup, or at the type of resturants which would serve it. These types of resturants will also serve other things which will offend most westerners (one reason my cat stays indoors 100% of the time).

I have been offered it in Asian countries, at very expensive resturants, but declined politely as to not offend my hosts.

In general, eating shark fins is only one problem facing the UW world. Reefs are being destroyed by man (sometimes by Carnival cruise chip captains) at such a rate I wouldn't doubt further generations won't be able to enjoy the undersea world like we can today :(
I think it is important to share this kind of comments with some others, divers and non-divers, cause some times people don´t know about this.
I have started a campaing in Mexico to inform others about this risk of extinction that sharks are facing, based on information published by many organizations. Even we westerners don´t eat shak fin soup, but fisherman are catching sharks and selling the fins to the asian markets.
I started this information campaign with the support of one diveshop, and now, there are 5 more organizations supporting this, and with that support we are sending letters to the goverment to approve the laws to regulate the fishing of sharks and rays, that have been in revision for many months.

thanks for share the article.

here is the link of the campaing (spanish)
The charities and organisations help and make us aware. But this barbarity must be driven to an effective end, the organisations who publicly say 'This is terrible and it must end' are on the right track but its only going to have a limited effect, at best perhaps reducing the shark killing quota(due to Westerners saying no!) or at worst driving the price of shark fin down due to a possible surplus of shark fins (due to the falling interest from Western tourists etc)in turn causing a spike in popularity in the Asian countries restaurants with the affordability. What I'm saying is there is no easy answer to this nightmare of a problem with the environmentalist approach. :(

One effective way of getting it into the shark fin consumers thick skulls (short of bashing them with a mallet!) is for our(Western) and their (asian) governments to start kicking some serious *** instead of talking about it.
I'm talking a combined approach from all respective anti-shark fin countries i.e all foreign ambassidors getting together and being more direct and agressive in how they get the message across to these Asian contries. Taking it one offending country at a time with a focused effort aggressive diplomacy i.e veiled threats, possible sanctions etc. and all that. Other 'offending' countries would then see their next on the list and then (at best) take steps to sort the mess out. This is one way but its a long shot getting all that to work correctly and without screwing up relations.

The second definitive way to end the problem quickly is for the Asian countrys consumers to change their eating ways. And this almost impossible task can only come from within that country itself, from its leaders, politicians, holy men, community leaders etc. These ordinary asian folk who eat the sharks don't even realise what an environmental disaster this problem is. To those many that perhaps do they either don't care, or believe its exagerrated. What we many Westerners don't realise is that sadly when we start telling them its wrong and everything they become stubborn and angry at us telling them how to run their country.

To sum all that rhetoric I just spewed out the shark fin problem can only come from within not without, the governments need to start taking it more seriously and of course the charities need to be working even harder than ever to acheive victory. These three things are the keys to unlocking the trap. One key starts, a second key finishes, and the third opens the door.
Diving Lore:
The charities and organisations help and make us aware. But this barbarity must be driven to an effective end, the organisations who publicly say 'This is terrible and it must end' are on the right track but its only going to have a limited effect, at best perhaps reducing the shark killing quota(due to Westerners saying no!) or at worst driving the price of shark fin down due to a possible surplus of shark fins (due to the falling interest from Western tourists etc)in turn causing a spike in popularity in the Asian countries restaurants with the affordability. What I'm saying is there is no easy answer to this nightmare of a problem with the environmentalist approach. :(

One effective way of getting it into the shark fin consumers thick skulls (short of bashing them with a mallet!) is for our(Western) and their (asian) governments to start kicking some serious *** instead of talking about it.
I'm talking a combined approach from all respective anti-shark fin countries i.e all foreign ambassidors getting together and being more direct and agressive in how they get the message across to these Asian contries. Taking it one offending country at a time with a focused effort aggressive diplomacy i.e veiled threats, possible sanctions etc. and all that. Other 'offending' countries would then see their next on the list and then (at best) take steps to sort the mess out. This is one way but its a long shot getting all that to work correctly and without screwing up relations.

The second definitive way to end the problem quickly is for the Asian countrys consumers to change their eating ways. And this almost impossible task can only come from within that country itself, from its leaders, politicians, holy men, community leaders etc. These ordinary asian folk who eat the sharks don't even realise what an environmental disaster this problem is. To those many that perhaps do they either don't care, or believe its exagerrated. What we many Westerners don't realise is that sadly when we start telling them its wrong and everything they become stubborn and angry at us telling them how to run their country.

To sum all that rhetoric I just spewed out the shark fin problem can only come from within not without, the governments need to start taking it more seriously and of course the charities need to be working even harder than ever to acheive victory. These three things are the keys to unlocking the trap. One key starts, a second key finishes, and the third opens the door.
Finning is deplorable-I agree with most of what you say but,just as Bush says there's no Global warming, most of the Japanese are smart enough to know it exists-I don't think Americans(or people from any nation) will offend the intelligence of the Japenese and other cultures around the world when we discuss opinions supported with facts re; the well known evironmental consequences of shark finning...Peace...Saildiver

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