Shark feeder loses parts of two fingers.

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Diving is spoiled by the presence of sharks?

I have always considered myself fortunate if I encountered sharks during a dive.
That's one of the factors in choosing to go to Palau.....the sharks.

**This thread has become quite "interesting".

At one moment I had push off a 6 footer with my camera. Not a scary moment but not pleasant, so...
And bringing the point that when you on a liveaboard you can't go and dive other places. So every time we went underwater there were shark show ups in masse...Two days of diving spoiled...

For your next trip... In the ocean.... Where the sharks are, try a shark shield. They do work. We don't allow them on my liveaboard, but when we did, they do work.

You'll never have another dive "spoiled".

(It's like having bear bells on your backpack)
No wows this time.

---------- Post added January 6th, 2015 at 05:27 PM ----------

Sorry to all normal posters who do not communicate in abusive manner. I am like little shark, when being threaten - bite! ;-)

No, you are like little child: when posting, loud and vacuous.

As far as I can tell, this incident has piss-all to do with shark feeding. Guy was spearing, shark took his catch, and he unfortunately had fingertips caught in the reel line. Sucks for him, but sharks mugging spearos for their catch is not exactly uncommon. So I'm forced to conclude the title's author is either a fool or a liar.
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Diving is spoiled by the presence of sharks?

I have always considered myself fortunate if I encountered sharks during a dive.
That's one of the factors in choosing to go to Palau.....the sharks.

**This thread has become quite "interesting".

Another smart a$$ show off...
If I lived in Japan I'd go to Palau too... To much of a flight to Palau...
Not a presence of shark was a problem. Their unusual behavior was...
You go to Palau for drift diving or hook diving in channel? When you have to do little to see the underwater life?
I like that kind of diving too...
In one of the visits to Roatan I got lucky with the stormy weather on other side of the island. On west end was such a ripping current so it dragged us along the wall for almost three miles. That what I liked about diving. Do nothing and watch TV. Turtles, sharks feeding on small fishes, other activities going on. And no attention to divers from sharks...
No, you are like little child: when posting, loud and vacuous.

As far as I can tell, this incident has piss-all to do with shark feeding. Guy was spearing, shark took his catch, and he unfortunately had fingertips caught in the reel line. Sucks for him, but sharks mugging spearos for their catch is not exactly uncommon. So I'm forced to conclude the title's author is either a fool or a liar.

Well Randy has made himself quite infamous down here for running feeding dives, to the point where a couple of obnoxious Spearboard posters periodically state that "his time is coming" (most of the posts there on this incident, I will note, have been supportive and sympathetic, even from members who have vocally disagreed with his shark-feeding dives). There's a definite temptation to make this a cause->effect story, which there's no evidence to suggest it is. From what I was told, the shark was not hanging close looking for a handout; he never saw it, shot the fish, started bringing it in, and the bull took him by surprise. Anyone who has had the "taxman" go after a fish has been confronted with that situation, and in this case his fingers were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I'm a "smart a$$ show off"?

For what? questioning why diving would be spoiled by the presence of sharks?
And adding that sharks would be one of the factors in choosing Palau?

Perhaps you are failing to comprehend my reply to it is certainly odd. But quite suitable for the internet I suppose.



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A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Watch the personal insults...
[X-Files Music]Conspiracy theory time, doesn't Randy have this court hearing next month? If it was a feeding incident, it would be best to put out some other story so it doesn't produce more negative press. [/X-Files Music]

Regardless of what happened, I hope he has a quick recovery. That injury looks painful and I could only imagine what was going through his mind on ascent. Scary.

I don't own a spear gun, but have thought about learning. Are there classes and certifications for using a spear gun? If so, do they teach about lines potentially wrapping around fingers? Was this a preventable accident? Or do spear gun hunters learn from other hunters?
Today, actually. Randy actually posted a photo of himself dressed up in a suit for court, which is a rare sight.

Convenient theory, but I spoke to both Randy and the diver who was with him at the time and drove him to the hospital. Even if I didn't trust their word, a shark bite wouldn't have resulted in a neat de-gloving like that. And who would have pulled the fingertips out of the shark's mouth?
I'll jump into the chum fest. Animals do get habituated to human actions. Growing up with a father who was a wildlife biologists I got to see that first hand. A colleague even imprinted turkeys - that was always fun as a kid to show in the big enclosure and have turkeys run up to see if it was "mom".

On recent trip to Coz the nurse sharks are being feed lion fish by some by not all DM. Makes for a nice photo op here are there but they do get to be a bit annoying IMHO. Nurse sharks are pretty tame compared to some other sharks. So where there is feeding occurring regularly sharks will come to check things out regardless.

I personally do not participate in shark feeding dives and have passed on such dives. I understand why others may want that experience. I think Frank has it correct that if it is going to happen, it happens at a fixed location and no where else. However, even if that happens folks need to remember sharks travel long distances and they take what they learn from one place to another. In places like Cayman where the DM cull the lion fish about once a week they do it only when there are no guests because sharks have gotten a bit too aggressive.

As for the incident at had - occupational hazard of spearfishing.

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