To answer fisherdvm, as politely as I can, YES, arfy's opinion DOES have more validity because he has actually watched a shark close up! And to top it off a species that many books, armchair divers, etc. says is "vicious and threatening".
I"m not trying to be mean to anyone, but don't you think it's funny that all the people who got to watch sharks swimming slowly around some scent and observed them, well, the result is they appreciate them even more? Not fear them as much? Respect them? Hell yeah! I always watch end with the pointy things in their mouth
"Normal" behavior for sharks? We're still learning! My one diving buddy of 40 years commented that he never SAW a shark until he was diving 7 years! Sharks by the way will come over occasionally and check you out. If you are happy with seeing the south end of a shark heading north, that's fine, more power to you......But many divers aren't judging by the popularity of operators all over the world offering shark dives!
I also read in Sandy's post (Hi Sandy

that scientists and such being able to observe these animals close up for longer periods of time continue to learn many real truths about this over 250 million year old design.....99% of what people may know has only come about since shark dives! Watching them, filming them, and then broadcasting or publishing the details.
The safety stressed at JASA and other shark dives really is priority #1 has has been mentioned over and over and over by those who actually have chosen to participate in this type of activity. If it was as dangerous as the critics contend, divers would be getting bit week after week.....
For real danger, go diving with someone who is old (that might be me) out of shape, can't find the anchor or watch their gauges and then expects YOU to save them.......That's way more common........
People will still have their opinions and that's fine.......Just don't expect everyone to agree en mass if you haven't walked the walk.