I would think that a man who just had a great portion of his leg bit off, would be screaming with PAIN, not holding his breathe. Air Embolism is when somebody ascends while holding thier breath and the air inside the lungs expand and cause a rupture of the lung...of course, divers should know that....I think the hole "embolism" issue is just trying to point away from it being a shark attack...and put more or all of the blame on the poor guy that died. My thoughts
1) The information released stated he was brought to the surface by another quest on the boat. There was no report of a second diver with the bends or a embolism, wouldn't the rescuer suffered some symptoms if they to had made a rapid uncontrolled ascent??
2) Again the pain issue, I scream when I stup my toe, if it was me I would have been probably going "holly @!*#" on the way up.
3) I heard from a group of fisherman that were listening to the radio conversation back and forth during the actual rescue stated that the Coast Guard asked "can you control the bleeding" and the person on Shearwater replied "NO" then they stated "WE ARE TRYING TO HOLD HIM TOGETHER" I actually heard this from two sources, but I am sure the news will sooner or later get a copy of the CG tape, I think Miami records all major rescue ops.
Anyhow, I would call it diver error or panic if a diver SAW a shark and bolted to the surface. A diver that gets BIT seriously by a shark then dies, ultimately....the shark caused the death not actions immediately following. There would have been no blood loss, no shock, no loss of consciousness, no rapid ascent (if there was) if the shark had not bit the diver???
I would be interested in hearing when exactly the CG received the call and when the accident actually accured. If they were out of radio range, maybe that had some delay.