Shark Attack

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Just wanna say Hi!
Took up scuba in July and it's my passion for now.
Hope to pick up more stuffs fm the board.

Hey TribalShark welcome to scubaboard!

This is one of the best places to meet new people and ask questions about anything diving.

You will find that there are experts here on every subject. Heck we even got a guy who is an expert on being a redneck scuba diver whose name I shall not mention. =-)

So if you have any questions feel free to ask, or if you have any answers feel free to share them!

Hope you enjoy your stay!
from the SECOND LARGEST province in the SECOND LARGEST country in the world.............

Ontario, Canada...................................................
A big [red]Texas Howdy[/red]...Welcome to the Swamp!
Originally posted by Dee
A big [red]Texas Howdy[/red]...Welcome to the Swamp!

I assume Syruss doesn't count as he didn't use teh key phrase?

Anyway - Welcome Sharky! - Enjoy our out-of-the-water passion for odd posts!

Originally posted by -=>Larry<=-

I assume Syruss doesn't count as he didn't use teh key phrase?

Anyway - Welcome Sharky! - Enjoy our out-of-the-water passion for odd posts!


I was wondering that too but I figured I'd let it slide this time. That is so long as I am not ousted from Texas by the powers that be. hehehehhe
Welcome from NJ.
If you are into scuba, this is the Board to ne at.
This is the place to go for scuba info,to ask and answer many questions, and to read,and be part of, if you like, some pretty weird humor.

good luck,
Greetings from the Briar Patch! If you haven't checked out the diver parodies yet, find them and read them! These people are a riot!

Any questions? Just ask, someone here knows more than you dreamed about the subject!

Ber :bunny:

(maybe I need to start a group called the Briar Patch divers! Texas has their Swamp Divers!) :D
Originally posted by syruss32
Heck we even got a guy who is an expert on being a redneck scuba diver...
Now hold on to your hosses, there hoss. I'ze begunnin' to think you just might be talkin' about me right then thar.

Shoot, I had to join up with this lil' ol posse of divers....'Specially since you-ins were nice enuff to create a thread about me!
Welcome from Chicago.
I have to second Ber Rabbit. Find that thread! It's one of the most entertaining on here!

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