@dmaziuk , I disagree. You cannot compare two countries in this context. There are no voters as there is no democracy and people bitten are all foreigners bringing very much needed money to the country. 2010 was exactly jaws material, sharks attacking and killing several swimmers by the beach over some successive days.
In 2015, a German swimmer was killed at a resort right next to the marina where all liveaboards return. Presumably owt following the boats returning to marina.
This year another tourist was killed while swimming, not far from Elphinstone where owtips are often seen and dived. During owt season, (September- December) we offered dives from land In Elphinstone. It is easily accessible by speedboats. This attack is first serious one on a diver.
I cannot comprehend how culling a nomadic shark will fix anything. There will be new ones coming attracted by the boats. If you close the site, they will end up in other sites that are not closed or much worse, at the resort beaches.
In 2015, a German swimmer was killed at a resort right next to the marina where all liveaboards return. Presumably owt following the boats returning to marina.
This year another tourist was killed while swimming, not far from Elphinstone where owtips are often seen and dived. During owt season, (September- December) we offered dives from land In Elphinstone. It is easily accessible by speedboats. This attack is first serious one on a diver.
I cannot comprehend how culling a nomadic shark will fix anything. There will be new ones coming attracted by the boats. If you close the site, they will end up in other sites that are not closed or much worse, at the resort beaches.