Sharing Word Document? 4 megs

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Alabaster, AL
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50 - 99
I have written an article about an experience in a Florida Spring. I tried to attach it but the max size of a doc is 200k. That is really small. I have included 4 pictures in my article that make it about 4 megs. I spacifically wrote this article to share with everyone on scubaboard. What are my options?
I recommend resizing the pictures before inserting them into your document. That should reduce the size of the document (considerably, depending on what the original size of the pictures is).
Other options would be to convert the word document into a PDF file (easy if you have/use, but you may need a separate printer driver that outputs to PDF if you use MS Word) or trying to put the file into a .zip archive (although that will probably not help a lot, if the included pictures are JPGs which are compressed already).
The alternative would be to post the text and add the images as attachments.
I would have to resize the pictures to be less than 50k which is near impossible if you want to keep any quality. I have no software to convert the file. When I tried to zip it it only used a ratio of 2% and I could not figure out how to compress it anymore. Do jpg not zip very much?

el orans that looks like the only option.
jpegs don't compress much at all. The 2% you're getting is probably about it. Converting it to a .pdf won't help much either. You could host the images on your webspace at full resolution and link to them if you post the text here.

Another option would be to host the images on a site like Photobucket and link to them. But they have a size limit also afaik.

But really, your images are just too big. Someone who's fairly good with a photo editor - like CBulla above can radically decrease the filesize without any noticeable quality loss. After all you're viewing them at 72 ppi on your monitor and they look fine right? Any resolution higher than that is just for printing purposes.

If you need photo editing/conversion software, Picasa is a Google freebie.
Sjspeck has the same suggestion I was going to offer. Word documents, with images embedded, tend to be very large documents (although 4 MB is no longer considerred really big in this era of video files in the gigabyte range).

If I have large images I generally try to host them on my website and use a link to them in my post on SB. Fortunately, shooting mini-DV means that my max still image resolution is a paltry 720x480.
Uploads of photos do not seem to be working.

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