Sharing dive computer

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Hi there,

Long time lurker. Tried to find an answer to my question but couldn’t find it through searching the forum. So I’ll try it through a post here.

I will be diving alternating days with my partner. One looks after our kid while the other goes diving for a day. We’ll do three dives a day in Komodo for 10 days total without hitting NDL’s. Just recreational dives no tech or 40m+. We both have a dive computer but only mine has a integrated air transmitter. We’ll be travelling light and only bring one BCD and regulator set.

I want to leave the analoge air gauge at home because it weighs a bunch and only use my AI transmitter. Is it possible to lend my partner my dive computer when we dive alternating days? I don’t want to compromise my next dive day. I don’t see any problems but I rather hear from the more knowledgeable divers.
We’ll do three dives a day in Komodo for 10 days total without hitting NDL’s.
Danger sign. Three dives in Komoda can usually easily hit NDLs, depending on how conservative you've set your computer.
Is it possible to lend my partner my dive computer when we dive alternating days?
Of course. If she continue to use her computer to track her dives, it is of no consequence to you.
I don’t want to compromise my next dive day.
Your dives will be limited by what she does. Your computer doesn't know who is wearing it.

You did not mention if your two computers were the same, but you imply they are not. Even if they are the same, your settings might be different.
That means she could get right up against NDLs on her computer (three dives in Komodo can do that), and yours might go into deco. If she follows her computer, yours might lock out for 24-48 hours (depends on the model). When you try and use it the enxt day, you can't.

Even if yours does not do into deco, it might accumulate more N2 than hers (again, it depends on the models and settings). So you start the next day with a reduced NDL penalty.

This is all speculation, based on no information about your equipment.

In general, it seems like a bad idea to save a tiny bit of weight for an SPG and hose. Some SPGs weigh almost nothing.
No you can't realistically swap out a dive computer between two divers. Well you can but the residual nitrogen will be calculated by the computer and will reduce the no stop times of subsequent dives.

Your concerns about the weight of an spg is very odd, unless you've got muscular dystrophy. If you're going to dive, do it right and don't cut corners.

Red Flag!!!!

Not safe. As was said earlier, you could have your dives cut short based off what your partner did the day prior. You could end up being locked out because of it. With the lack of info about the gear, as a divemaster, I would be suggesting only one person per computer. Your profile will be different from the other person. Just not a safe situation.
I don't see a problem IF you can reset the computer at the end of the day's diving. Skipping a day between dive days means you'll have off gassed completely, and will be starting from scratch. Think of it as if you were renting a computer for the day... you don't know what profiles the previous diver did, but it doesn't matter because the shop resets the computer between rentals. If you can't reset the computer, your dives could be affected (shortened) by the previous days nitrogen loading.... maybe.
I don't see a problem IF you can reset the computer at the end of the day's diving.
I don't think that's even necessary for a Buhlmann ZHL-based computer. The tissue compartments that would dictate NDL times will effectively reset overnight. I highly doubt the residual in the slower tissues will build enough to matter, even after 10 days.
Agree with the red flag/danger cautions. I know you mentioned that you will alternate days, but that is a bad habit to get into. It was also mentioned that where you are diving is easy to stray into NDL if you aren't careful.

There are plenty of computers out there which are inexpensive, or you simply go to your LDS and rent one for the trip. Safety first, always. Take added risk out of the equation.
I know you mentioned that you will alternate days, but that is a bad habit to get into.
Why? It's a constraint of this particular trip. In other circumstances they may not. You may have missed the fact they each have their own computers for other occasions.

Take added risk out of the equation.
Would you please elaborate on the additional risk you believe to be present?

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