mgri once bubbled...
Would a woman expecting a man to carry the tanks be consider stereotyping?
PS. RavenC, Please tell me when I have placed my foot in my mouth so I will know when to shut up on this topic
I think the key here may be the word expecting. Asking is another issue. When I broke my wrist, just got my brace off last week, I asked for my buddy's help more while I organized the trunk or did other things that would be less likely to reinjure myself. And, I will say that he helped with dawning and doffing my BP and wing and adjusting my tank because of my injury but typically, we carry our own gear or the gear, whatever needs to be transported. It is true that he will tend to carry two tanks at a time to my one so sometimes he ends up moving tanks more than me but that is not because it is expected of him. To be honest, carrying the dive bags are usually heavier and thats what I carry the most; partly because they have handles. LOL. Yeah I saw that thread about tank handles. I need to check into that.
I can tell you this. I went to the LDS Saturday morning to rent air and it was full of guys. I'd say at least 6 or 7. They were willing to check the psi in the tank before I paid for it and ask lots of questions but stood right there with their mouth open when I put it on my right shoulder and walked out with it. No one offered to carry it and I didn't ask for them to. Nor did I expect them to. Its my gear so I expect that I should be able to manage it. That doesnt mean I havent asked my buddy to grab a tank for me. Hes asked me to do the same. Hes asked me to make a few phone calls and get information for him but that doesnt make me his secretary. When he says, "would you grab me a coke." Does that mean he's stereotyping - Fetch woman? NO. I would certainly tell him about it. Does it means he expects me to wait on him? No.
I will tell you that delivery and demeanor has a lot to do with all this. Simply put, the tone at which things are done and said make a lot of difference.