I don’t understand. Specific manufacturers are discussed in other forums all the time.
He means within their own manufacturer's forum. In other words, you shouldn't go to a manufacturer's forum and ask them to compare their gear to a different manufacturer's gear or to tell them why gear from a different manufacturer is better or worse than their gear. As you noted, that rule doesn't apply in the other forums where we do that sort of stuff all the time.
Regarding your other question having to do with manufacturers editing any posts or threads, good question. NetDoc?
Edit: As a lawyer, I'm reminded of how much one can learn if one only takes the time to read the rules. Here's an excerpt from the "Special Rules" for the Q&A Manufacturers Forum:
Please keep in mind that the Manufacturers represented here have graciously agreed to host those forums so that they can communicate about their products directly to the world via ScubaBoard. These are their forums, and so we have given them the right to moderate them as they see fit for both content and appropriateness.