Several Delta IV FDX-10 problems

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Queens, NY
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50 - 99
Two weeks ago I purchased two Oceanic Delta IV FDX-10 regulators, one for my girlfriend and one for myself, from an authorized online retailer. We used them for the first time a few days later in the Galapagos Islands. We did 15 dives with them and we both noticed an odd sound whenever we inhaled. It was a metallic sound that I have never heard before when using a regulator. It sounded like a sword being taken out of it's sheath. Initially, I thought that maybe it was a "breaking-in" type of thing, but the sound persisted thoughout all 15 dives. I imagine that this is not the norm for this regulator. How can I remedy this problem. Should I send it back to the online retailer? It started to get really annoying to hear this metallic sound with every single breath.

I also had another problem with my regulator. I would connect my reg to the tank, check the tank pressure, then I would I would get ready for the dive. In the 30 minutes that I would spend getting ready for the dive and taking the Zodiac out to the dive site, my tank would lose approximately 400-500 psi without even taking a single breath or purging the reg. Personally, this was bad for me, since my breathing isn't the most efficient to begin with. Coupled with the fact that I spent a lot of money to go on this trip and I was at a disadvantage because of my reg, it was, needless to say, very frustrating. I tried to make adjustments to curb this problem. I closed the adjustment knob all the way and it still happend, I adjusted the pre-dive switch and it still happened, I changed tanks several times and it still happened.

These are the first regulators that my girlfriend I have purchased, and to be honest, it hasn't been a great experience. I purchased from Oceanic because, after doing lots of research, I saw how well the company stands behind it's products. Can you please help me out. Thanks.
You bought brand new regs just a few days before a trip to the Galapagos Islands?! You dove them for the first time on a trip that undoubtedly cost you thousands of dollars?!?! I'm sure Oceanic will work with you as they should be under warranty. However ... and please take this the right way as I'm just offering friendly advice to help a fellow diver ... for future reference, that probably wasn't the smartest thing to do.

I'd recommend that you contact the retailer and have them work with Oceanic if necessary.
Thanks for the advice. I know that it wasn't ideal. But the trip was booked last minute, and it was either pay several hundred dollars on rental equipment that I had also never used or tested, or invest in equipment that I would use for the next 10 years. I chose the lesser of 2 evils. Lots of people on the boat rented equipment since they were in South America for several months on holiday. One of the guys that rented had lots of trouble with his rental gear, so there were no guarantees either way. If I don't hear from Oceanic, I'll get a hold of the retailer next, I would think that it would be covered under the 30-day satisfaction guarantee. Thanks again for the advice.
You bought brand new regs just a few days before a trip to the Galapagos Islands?! You dove them for the first time on a trip that undoubtedly cost you thousands of dollars?!?!
I really don’t see how this is helping the guy.

. If I don't hear from Oceanic, I'll get a hold of the retailer next; I would think that it would be covered under the 30-day satisfaction guarantee. Thanks again for the advice.
Please keep in mind that this board is for general information only and is not a normal way to contact your manufacturer’s representatives for warranty or service. These guys (Doug, Darryl, etc) although pretty good talking to people on this board, only sign on here when they have time. And time is very sparce, especially now i am pretty sure they are all busy promoting the new "Data Mask".

So… to make the story short, please call Oceanic Support at +1(510) 562-0500 and talk to Ron, Mark, or anyone else who might pickup. Oceanic is very good and attentive when it comes to tech /customer support and warranty issues.

I, on the other had, have an Oceanic Delta4 / FDX10 and have to say that its one of the best regulators I’ve ever tried and I am sure that you are just a victim of bad luck.

Also talk to your local Oceanic Authorized shop, if you have one near. the will probably be able to help.

Cheers. And best of luck with your regulators.
I really don’t see how this is helping the guy.

Really? Why? It's an important lesson to learn. I made my point very tactfully. He obviously took it the way I intended. He added some information to help us understand why he went that route. Given what he shared I might have done the same thing.

I agree re: your comments on Oceanic. I own a GT3/CDX-5. Great company and great products. If there is something wrong with the regs he bought I have no doubt Oceanic will resolve the problem.
O.M.O.H., thanks for the advice. I'll give Oceanic a call and see what they suggest. The fact that Oceanic is so attentive about their products is a big reason that I chose to shop for regs produced by them. Divin' Hoosier, no harm done.

Sorry to hear of your problems and in particular I am sorry to hear that it happened on a world class dive trip. Doug and I would have responded sooner but were in Cozumel on a Datamask Dive demo trip and then on the road for a couple of days. Yes, we will 100% cover the replacement or repair of your regulator. Normally you can take it into your Oceanic retailer and get a brand new one replaced across the counter. We then do the same for the retailer. Second option would be to have them put it on a tank, check it and if needed adjust the second. Are you sure that the Delta 2nd stage was the freeflowing unit? could it have been your tank valve, octo or inflator mechanism? Curiosity factor here. It is unusual that we have that type of freeflow on a brand new Delta. Let me know if I can help.

The best way to check the leak is to put the regulator on the tank and submerge it then check where the leak is coming from. Might be just a loose connection.
I also have a Oceanic Delta IV FDX-10 setup and have been diving it about two years 60 or so dives.

I have noticed the same noise and have found it only happens on deep inhalation. I traced the noise to air passing through the second stage reg at a high flow rate. I like you am a Hover and have a low sac rate of .75 on a good day and about 1.3 on the rest.
I have had no leakage problems. I also use this reg for deco diving with good results.

The only down side I have found is the Oceanic Delta IV FDX-10 is only good to 40% O2 and I can not use it on 50% deco.

The adjustment knob will allow bypass if you have it open full at the surface. Make sure it is turned till you hear the clicks when at the surface.

I will watch this thread for more info.

I hope this helps.
The first Oceanic reg I purchased was a CDX5 / ZETA. Really a great breather but would free flow after a few dives (same day). Set it back to Oceanic, again same thing. I told Oceanic I was very displeased only a little more graphic. I told them I didn't what the Zeta back. Thats when the FDX10 / Delta 4 was suppose to come out, I opted to wait for one. Kudos to me!!!

The versa pro had a call back and was taken care of fast.

I have to say one thing here, Oeanic stands behind there products.

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