So if I read and understood the middle ear section correctly, there is very little that I can do when I get this fluid in my ear, but just wait for it to go away. And when I get this fluid I am very likely going to also get an ear infection that starts shortly after the fluid appeared?Lots of misconceptions about ears and diving. Here is my sticky about all of this, I hope that it is helpful.
Ear disease is very frequently misdiagnosed by doctors who are not ENT docs or pediatricians. Your doctor may be great, I don't mean to sound snotty (hah!). However there should be no confusion between middle ear barotrauma leading to serous otitis media (for which antibiotics should never be used), acute otitis media with pus in the middle ear (which is extremely uncommon in adults, even in divers), and otitis externa ("swimmer's ear", which may require microscopic cleaning of the ear in addition to drops).
Read the sticky and feel free to ask specific questions.
By the sounds of it, due to the location of this there is not much I can do about the ear infection either, especially since I can't really be using antibiotics to treat it every time.
My issue though is that I feel like I had this problem before I even started diving. I have been to the talker abut 5-6 months ago for a problem where my hearing in one ear was not the best. Also I still experience issues where whenever I lay down I experience a discomfort in my one ear. It seems like the same symptons of having this fluid in my ear, however I was experiencing this in the winter time, so I wasn't even doing anything in the water at all.
When I am descending I am equalizing every breath I do out and typically descending slow. I hear the distinct popping sound, and anytime I feel too much pressure building I slow down the descent and go up a little so that I can equalize properly. I never have experienced any pain in my ears while diving, or had any pain after the dive.
The only weird thing I do have, which I am sure if it is normal, is that as I am ascending I usually having a popping noise in my ears. I am not sure if this is abnormal though as this is the same kind of popping I'd get when ascending in an airplane, or entering one of those big pressurized inflatable domes some places have.
So at this point I am just really confused what the problem really is. Should I be asking my doctor to refer me to an ENT then? While I know diving has made my ears get infected every time after diving, I am not sure if that is the full root cause since I have had these kind of fluid in ears symptoms that you described long before diving
Also can this cause any damage if I continue diving and keep experiencing this kind of pain after?