It was was was unforgettable! When can I go again??
Joined by Carlos (Dive California), and our patient and loving non-diving spouses, we boarded the Great Escape, Friday, September 2, for The Grand Tour: Three days of non-stop diving at Santa Barbara Island, San Clemente Island, and Catalina Island.
The dive stats are coming in a bit, but know that the effervescent joy of this trip could not possibly be captured in either words or photographs. If you've been on a Channel Islands multiday live-aboard on a top-notch boat such as the Great Escape, you know what I mean. If you haven't, find a way to do it...soon! It is the ultimate celebration of SoCal diving, IMNSHO

To ease from your bunk in the graying dark, pad silently onto the swaying deck and stand in awe as the sun rises, is a beautiful thing. To do this 3 days in a row is layered bliss. And to spend the time between sunrises diving, laughing, sharing stories and great food with friends...this is sweet gratitude beyond words.
Here are the descriptors and vital stats:
Day #1: Santa Barbara Island
Dive #1 7AM
The Arch Reef. 99fsw, 66 minutes, 59F, 100 ft viz. Dropped through whipping current into still beauty along the wall. A stunning arch big enough to drive the Great Escape through.
Dive #2 9:45 AM
Nameless cavern point. 59fsw, 54minutes, 61F, 80 ft viz. Solid carpets of multicolored brittle stars, bat rays, clumps of Aplysia californica sea hares.
Dive #3 11:50 AM
Sutil Rock. 79fsw, 53 minutes, 64F, 100 ft viz. Two Giant Black Seabass in crystal clear water. Deep underwater vertical crevice, about 100 feet long, sunlit from above, sponge encrusted towering walls, 10 feet apart. Explored to end, finding GIANT lobster under boulder, owning all he surveyed. Water so clear it looked like air. Carlos wasn't floating, he was flying.
Dive #4 2PM
West of the Three Sisters. 37fsw, 57 minutes, 66F, 40-60 ft viz. Outrageous rock formations, overhangs, swim throughs. Hollowed out room/cave with suspended boulder and sunrays bursting in from ceiling holes
Dive #5 3:50PM
Webster's Point sealion rookery. 33fsw, 59 minutes, 67F, 60 ft viz. A dozen sealions played endlessly in a sunny clearing, even the pups approached fearlessly under mom's watchful eyes. Carlos finds a frying pan.
Dive #6(!) 7:50PM
White Cavern Night dive. 42fsw, 54 minutes, 61F, open viz as far as the HID could illuminate. "FrightNight", with spooky caves, monstrous morays, startling sea lions, tiny biting isopods, crawling octopus, and hundreds of ruby eyes staring back from every crevice (shrimp!) Oh My!! Stars between the stars in an obsidian sky.
Day #2: San Clemente Island
Dive #1 8AM
Wilson's Kelp bed. 61fsw, 70 minutes, 64F, 80+ viz. Diving in a crystal clear forest aquarium, giant kelp "trees" rising to the canopy. Long safety stop hanging motionless in the kelp, blue water all around, clear as air.
Dive #2 10:30AM
Unknown spot #6640. 44fsw, 67 minutes, 61F, 60 ft viz. Packs of small lobster everywhere, clouds of blacksmith, sunlit garden of multicolored kelp
Dive #3 12:45PM
Unknown location 43D. 54fsw, 38 minutes, 61F, 60 ft.viz. Descended and was immediately circled by a 5 foot GBS, three times around! Found Arthur's Stone, illuminated by sunbeam in dark shadows beneath kelp. Sword missing.
Dive #4 3PM
Little Flower. 63fsw, 62 minutes, 61F, 40ft viz, clearer in shallows. Dramatic wall drop-off into nothingness, clouds of senioritas. Sunlit kelp garden.
Dive #5 5:45PM
Little Flower. 37fsw, 39 minutes, 63F, 40-60 ft viz. Found the fuel tank wreckage. Little lobsters everywhere, eating fearlessly out in the open.
Dive #6(!) 7:30PM
Little Flower. 43fsw, 65 minutes, 64F, viz as far as lights could cast. Maniacal mobs of blacksmith, lobsters everywhere, active octopuses, rockfish everywhere. Flying fish and sealions everywhere at the surface. Black sky packed full of stars and graced with the Milky Way.
Day #3: Catalina Island
Dive #1 7:20AM
Little Farnsworth. 106fsw, 44 minutes, 67F,
120 ft viz. Yeah, really! One of my top 10 dives EVER! Gin-clear water, curtains of bubbles rising, backlit by the brilliant low sun, all the pinnacles visible at once, 6-7 foot GIANT Black seabass arms reach away. 2 more seen later. Rolling stops at 50, 40, 30, & 20...motionless hang in open water, 15 feet from anchor line, surrounded by diamond bubbles. Wow!
Dive #2 10:15AM
Long Point. 67fsw, 61 minutes, 64F, 80+ viz. Whipping current, HotDropSinkAndCharge entry to get over to the protected wall, where the water was still and clear. Drifted between vertical life-packed wall and the BIG BLUE. LaunchKickAndHook return to anchor line, where we snapped like flags on our safety stop. Wheeeee!
Dive #3 12:15PM
Ripper's Cove. 64fsw, 65 minutes, 67F, 60ft viz. Glass, clear blue water, bat rays, octopus, morays, lobster, horn sharks, bellicose Garibaldi gangsters charged my mask fearlessly. The final dive of a perfect trip.
How long until Memorial Day????