Separate forum for Coz?

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Brian Gilpin

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Yolo County (NorCal)
# of dives
500 - 999
Cozumel diving is great but all of the Mexico forum is drowned out by Coz posts. Frankly I would prefer Loreto for diving any day. The business of diving is so huge in Coz that its a mob scene. I have experienced some great dives on the West Coast of Mexico as far south as Manzanillo. IMO Cozumel is not the best over all dive experience in Mexico and moving it to a separate forum would allow the rest of Mexico scuba to shine as well. The rest of us that are more interested in a day on the sea than a fancy resort would have a place to go. Wattya think?
Brian, I agree with your idea, but that will also open up a slew of other requests...for example, lets make a sub-section for Bonaire under Caribbean, as well as for Grand Cayman...while we are at it, lets break those down into further sub-subsections to pinpoint exactly what we want to look for...dining, resorts, diving...etc...

You could always use the search function to help you in your search. :)
.. separate geographical forums under the Scuba Diving Destinations section. Giving each venue a separate listing would make for a very unwieldy program.

Still, you may make your request known to the Senior Moderator for this section by e-mailing Natasha at .

Happy holidays.

Thanks for the intro Doc. I finally made my way over to this thread.
Actually, the Mods seem to like the sub forums. Mexico and maybe Bonaire, having their own sub, could be a good idea. It may keep things more organized.
I will bring it up, and see what the thoughts are. I'm sure they'll tell me if I'm willing to move it all over to a sub forum, to go for it! Ha!
We'll see.
Give us few weeks. We have a lot on our plates at the moment. Thanks!
Actually, the Mods seem to like the sub forums. Mexico and maybe Bonaire, having their own sub, could be a good idea. It may keep things more organized.

I agree if you are going to separate it that Coz should be a sub-forum under Mexico rather than a separate forum.

However, it's all a moot point. Unless we have a way to "unsubscribe" from forums there is no real use to splitting it up anyway.

Another idea could be West Mexico and Cariribean Mexico. In real terms Coz gets a whole bunch of posts. Maybe more than a lot of forums. Just an idea.
Actually, Mexico should be a subforum under North America. I've also never understood why part of North America is lumped in with South America.
Actually, the Mods seem to like the sub forums.

They may be a good idea, but to me it's just more hunting and clicking. :tired:

Actually, Mexico should be a subforum under North America. I've also never understood why part of North America is lumped in with South America.

Geographically, yes - but the diving, travel, and all is so different from North America, I see Mexico as its own forum.

Central America, too, is geograpically part of NA, I guess, but again - the diving, travel, and all is so different from North America, I see CA as its own forum, too. S.America is so seldom mentioned in SB, it just wouldn't warrnat a forum, would it?

Confusion does happen when people post C.America threads in Caribbean forum. And with all the similarities, I guess it a judgement call, with the Mods leading us...

thnaks, don
To be honest, it's a lot of work hunting through Mexico to pull out Cozumel threads and move them to a new sub forum. Maybe if we did it from the beginning it would have worked. But, the more I think about it, the more trouble I think it would be.
To be honest, it's a lot of work hunting through Mexico to pull out Cozumel threads and move them to a new sub forum. Maybe if we did it from the beginning it would have worked. But, the more I think about it, the more trouble I think it would be.
There are so many die hard Coz fans that the other places in Quintana Roo, ( which is where Cozumel is situated) like Playa Del Carmen, Tulum ( famous for Cenote Diving) and the new area of Costa Maya with Chinchorro Banks do not get in the picture. I am all for a new forum for the rest of Quintana Roo and not just Cozumel.

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