Just finished my week of diving and will say as a guest, this issue has been very transparent with business as usual. If it weren’t for the forum, I’d know nothing was out of sorts. One dive op did have their 2 some wade out into the water to get in the boat yesterday. But again, the uninformed wouldn’t have known why.
A few thoughts. Acumen might suggest that the customer be left out of things and you two figure it out. I’m not sure that’s the right play here. Yesterday I went to the desk asking to buy a pier pass and was told no, the dive op needs to buy them as the hotel customers don’t have to pay fees as it’s an AI. I pressed the issue on the notion that I was going to pay as the end user by way of trickle down and my dive op, as nice as they are, are not going to absorb this expense so let’s cut to the chase. It’s a lousy 2 bucks a day and if it’s necessary, make it easy on the end user, not hard on the middle man dive op. He really had a hard time agreeing, and after a few calls, I was issued my bracelet. As he took my 2$, I said it will be my understanding that tomorrow the pier guy will be there and nobody without a bracelet gets on right....? He handed my 2 bucks back to me and said no, nobody is enforcing this. I kept the bracelet.
I’m not sure the 2 on site house ops can absorb all of the dive demand at the resort. The demand seemed more than what supply they have. Their boats were plum full all week long. Thus, the need for other dive ops.
I would stay at Secrets again and would say here to all concerned to focus on the big picture as to why you considered Secrets to begin with. This is the travelers choice to stay here and to either incur the cost or not. For some of us, it’s a no way, not one penny. For others, it’s a whatever they charge, they charge. And for the rest of us - well, we fall in the middle and will weigh that into the final where do we stay equation. For the dive ops reading this, continue to keep your clients informed and let them understand that it may mean going out waist deep to jump aboard if this stalemate continues. Again, my experience this past week was nothing out of the ordinary past - I love Coz, and very much look forward to my next return trip.