Here's my situation: My brother from Illinois is coming to the West Coast to visit a firend in Seattle (lore on this follows for those interested) next week. I was thinking of taking a train up there to join him & his wife. I would surely want to dive whatever is wet if it is do-able & marginally sensible. It may be better for me to wait, investigate, & train in drysuit diving before coming (also, to look for a buddy up there. I mean, I don't even know whether you guys shore-dive, boat dive, or whether the beaches are "rock-tumblers", sandy, or with stationary rocks.) Thanks for everyone's thoughts, but keep em coming; there are more Illinois transplants in my life in Seattle than in LA.
the lore: Central Illinois parties in the mid-80's were forums on how to escape from Illinois. What made escape nearly impossible was our low wages. Most places anyone would want to live were more expensive, & we barely made enough to pay our $200/mo rent. So every time an escapee found a place to run, we all waited in rapture to hear if this destination could work for the rest of us. For a long time, Phoenix was considered the Promised Land. But as our old co-workers re-appeared, hat-in-hand at local businesses, we put out ticket-purchases on hold & began to scout anew. I was consided nuts for chosing California; the new Nirvana was Seattle! The year before I left, the first wave escaped by bicycle (who had the $ for plane tix?) When the transplants did not come home, the next wave went, & this continued long after I was settled in LA.
I have never had both the time & money at the same time to go visit these corn-fed grungers. But I would love to be re-united sometime. Thanks for hearing my rather goofy history!