Practice charades 
Some of the non diving specific hand signals I use:
Look: Index and middle fingers pointing at your eyes
Look at: After look signal point the fingers in the direction(s) to look
This way: "chop" motion with a flat vertical hand in the direction to go
Go around: Using the flat vertical hand make an arcing motion that outlines the direction to take to get around (ie: to
go around on the right make a circle going out the right side of the body and curving back in).
Go over/under: Flat horizontal hand doing the same basic gesture as the go around but over/under motion instead of around
I: Tapping your chest a few times with your finger tips.
You: Index finger pointing straight at the person.
Don't care / So-so: Horizontal hand with spread fingers rotating back and forth in a rocking motion
Don't know: Big shrug of the shoulders with bent arms, hands up and kinda cupped.
Of course there are some things that are really fun to try and communicate. IE (and this really happened to me), I'm so-so, my eyes are irritated, you keep an eye on me. I could string together the signs but something got lost in the transmission

Some of the non diving specific hand signals I use:
Look: Index and middle fingers pointing at your eyes
Look at: After look signal point the fingers in the direction(s) to look
This way: "chop" motion with a flat vertical hand in the direction to go
Go around: Using the flat vertical hand make an arcing motion that outlines the direction to take to get around (ie: to
go around on the right make a circle going out the right side of the body and curving back in).
Go over/under: Flat horizontal hand doing the same basic gesture as the go around but over/under motion instead of around
I: Tapping your chest a few times with your finger tips.
You: Index finger pointing straight at the person.
Don't care / So-so: Horizontal hand with spread fingers rotating back and forth in a rocking motion
Don't know: Big shrug of the shoulders with bent arms, hands up and kinda cupped.
Of course there are some things that are really fun to try and communicate. IE (and this really happened to me), I'm so-so, my eyes are irritated, you keep an eye on me. I could string together the signs but something got lost in the transmission