Sealife Reefmaster DC200

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Savannah, Georgia USA
Okay...I've been doing a little reading regarding cameras, and two that I am now interested in are the Sealife Reefmaster DC200 (digital) and the Reefmaster Proset SL560 (film).

Any comments on these cameras..


Good news and bad news.....

I think i have the RM 2000....I 'm in Ft Riley right now and dont have it with me and have no memory for models....any way... I hate it.

It does take nice pictures but it has a 10 you want to delete this photo....prompt. I have lost lots of good photos because of it.

I emailed RM about the feature and they said it could be turned off. BUT, I do most of my diving off the North Carolina coast. That means a rought boat ride anywhere from 45 mins to 2 hours to get to the wreck is normally dryer under the water than it is on the boat. So, their suggestion of getting to the dive site...opening the case...and turning off the feature will not work because of water dripping off the boat on to the divers everywhere.

And, the option of turning it off on the dock an leaving the camera on while riding out to the dive site does not work either, the auto turn off feature kicks in and turns off the camera because of non usage....then it defaults back to the delay...or....the batteries are only good enuf for one or two pics.

If you go with an RM.....make sure that you want to delete this picture....function is not on that camera. It is a killer.
oh i forgot....if you decide to go RM....i will give you a great deal on mine!!!
ok out of the two you mention go with the digital one !!
why simple you can review the pictures ect and keep the ones you like and get rid ones you dont !!!
first allot of people will try to talk you away from either but to be honest you have to begin somewear !!!
I used to use a sealife caemera and upgraded to oly 5050 and to be honest i love it but it was very expensive to get set up between camera , strobes, houseing , arms ect will set you back 1000 plus
wear the dc200 with strobe and all about 700
allot of others will give you more advice, go through them taking each one in thought if its price keeping you from really going up to the better digital I understand that !!!!!!!
I am leaning towards the digital because processing can be expense, and I can view the pics on site. Also, I can use the camera in water and on land. I don't think the 10 sec delay would be a problem for me.

So...RichinNC if you're willing to make me a deal...I'm listening.

Andrea :)
If you want digital, I recommend against Reefmaster. For a little more money, you can do much better. If you don't mind sticking with film, I can highly recommend the Reefmaster Pro kit.
AliKat, I was thinking of that as well, because you do get the strobewith the pro kit, and witht he digital you don't. I personally don't mind film cameras. Thanks for the input. Do you have the reefmaster pro kit?

I agree about not going with the RM 200 digital. I was in the same boat as you about 8 months ago doing research on all of the options for UW digital. I came to the conclusion that I could get a better set-up for just a little more money. I ended up buying the Olympus c-3020 and the Olympus PT-010 housing. For the whole thing I only paid $650 U.S. The camera is a 3.2 megapixel camera where the RM is a 1 megapixel. I haven't bought a strobe yet but the camera and housing takes great pictures without it. I also went digital because you can have all of your pictures on your computer and you only have to develop the ones youe really like. Since I've had it, it has probably saved me $200 in film processing. I just invite everyone over and show them a slideshow.

Hope this helps
Wreck Ranger

This helps a you know where I can review literature on your camera and housing. Also, I've never used camera housing all of this "user friendly"? (smile)

I too put all of my pictures on my computer, because I make a yearly slideshow of our diving pics of the year for our club. So, going digital will save a lot of time and money.


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