seacure mouth pieces for regulators

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I've had one for a couple of years and found it very comfortable. The only problem arose during an OOA emergency when I offered my primary to a very distressed diver (or rather didn't prevent him from taking it). He couldn't get it in his mouth and that didn't help the situation. Now I only use that mouthpiece if I am diving on my own. But if you are looking for something with almost zero jaw stress, you will be happy with it.
if an OOA situation arises. I've been taught to donate the primary, if I have a "custom" mouthpiece for me on the reg that I'm donating, would it be difficult for the diver that is OOA to breathe from it? This may cause more stress on the OOA diver that is already quite stressed by running out of air. The reason I'm asking is that I get quite a bit of jaw fatigue from my standard mouthpiece and this may be a viable option.

I could just donate my octo, longer hose, etc. However, than goes against my training. What do you guys thinks.

PADI Rescue Diver/Nitrox

I think if you are donating the primary it should be on the longer hose
I love my SeaCure. I've had mine for 6 years. Once you get it fitted and trimmed it's the most comfortable mouthpiece I've ever used. I dive a lot with students and new divers who tend to flail their arms around a lot and my hose gets snagged now and then but the second stage never gets yanked out of my mouth with the SeaCure. I highly recommend them!

Actually I have had trouble being on the receiving end of the reg with a seacure mouth piece in an OOA drill, and I had rahter dorwneed and been brought back wtih CPR then to ever have to deal with that again. The mouth piece was too large for my little mouth and my gag reflex kicked in and I could not keep the reg in my mouth, not to mention it wasn't formed to my mouth and caused problems, and when I oculd hold it my mouth it was so it was not hitting the back of my mouth and this caused a bunch of water to be sucked in with every breathe I took.

I suggest that if you do get this mouth piece thatyou practice an OOA drill with your buddy to make sure that they wiol be able to breathe from it with out being gagged to death, cuz if you are in a real OOA situtation the OOA diver may aready be stressed and on the verge on panic and this could make things worse.

I retract my statement! Obviously, the mouthpiece can be a problem when sharing a primary.
Has anyone tried the Seacure mouth pieces? I've looked at them and they remind me of the mouth pieces I used when playing football in high school. You are suppose to boil the mouth piece and then bite down on it so it forms around your teeth. Just thought I'd get some feedback before I spent $26 on it.


These are my number 1 favorite piece of equipment!
It now collects dust as it is an absolute no-no for situations where it is likely that I will have to share air.

For my own breathing I loved it. But when I did my advanced courses, it went by the wayside as assists with a custom mouthpiece are difficult where the other diver has a smaller mouth than I do.
I retract my statement! Obviously, the mouthpiece can be a problem when sharing a primary.

Yes they can, but not if trimmed down properly. Like Wendy advised, just test yours out with your buddy in shallow water to see if it causes a problem.

I have found no problems after doing this. I trim mine back quite a bit to stop my own gag reflex. I have yet to find a buddy or student that couldn't accept my trimmed down Seacure comfortably.

Once trimmed, mine doesn't extend any further into my mouth than a standard mouthpiece. So if it makes you gag, a standard mouthpiece would make you gag.
I agree Jon. It's all in the trim. :winky:
I had my wife try mine, she gagged. I trimmed it real short so that it would work for her. It still fits great for me. Since then I have become an instructor.......... While doing out of air drills with students (donating primary) I have not had one comment or complaint about my mouthpiece.

I agree it's in the trim!!
I've used both the Sea Cure and the Jax mouthpieces and while I can recommend both I prefer the Sea Cure. It's a bit softer than the Jax and just feels better in my mouth.

Both have the advantage where they just seem to stay in, no biting required.


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