seacure mouth pieces for regulators

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Has anyone tried the Seacure mouth pieces? I've looked at them and they remind me of the mouth pieces I used when playing football in high school. You are suppose to boil the mouth piece and then bite down on it so it forms around your teeth. Just thought I'd get some feedback before I spent $26 on it.

I have not used that brand. However, Oceanic also makes the same kind of mouthpiece. I have one on five different second stages that I have. I swear by them.

First of all, rather than having to get a plastic second stage to make less weight on your jaw, I have used metal second stages with these mouthpieces for years. You can't tell that there is any weight at all.

Second, you close your mouth to but a fraction short of completely closed with this type of mouthpiece. It is so natural that you practically feel like nothing's there.

Like I said, I have never used your particular brand. If this one is anything like the Oceanic, you will never dive without it again. Go for it.
Yep...I use one on my primary. When you first buy it be careful shoving it in your mouth. You havent trimmed it yet and if you have a sensitive gag reflex you could lose your lunch.

Also be careful as you boil it. It doesnt take but a few seconds to soften up so that you can make a model of your bite....and dont bite toooo hard. The material will be really soft and you can bite right through it. Trim carefully....its like can always take more off...but it is a bear putting it back on. careful which model you buy. There are two Seacure models and you need the one for your reg......having said that.....boil the mounting side for a few seconds too and have a little dish soap on your reg mount and it will slip on easily. Let cool before putting on the plastic tie.
Good luck
I've had best success boiling for the full 20 seconds, then bite.. I love these mouthpieces. They will take you a dive or 2 to get used to - they are hard - and we're used to soft mouthpieces. The idea is, if you have gum in your mouth, you'll bite down on it because it's soft. If you have a rock in your mouth, pretty quickly you'll decide to not bite down on it... it doesn't do you any good.

Seems to be the same with the Seacures - just takes a dive or so until you decide you don't need to clamp down on it - it just stays there.

The only problem I've ever seen with them is people getting leaking around the mouthpiece where it attaches to the reg. Again, this is because they are so hard - even there - so they don't flex in and seal as good as a stock mouthpiece. I've found if you cut off the tie wrap, and get a new one started, then make us some very hot water - not boiling though - like straight from the coffee maker, and pour some of that over where the tie wrap goes, then tighted the tie wrap some more - that seems to really seal it there - just don't use water so hot, or pull so tight that you go through the mouthpiece.
We use them and swear by them. We've even incorporated them on our snorkels.

Eliminates a lot of jaw fatigue.
For those with TMJ problems, the SeaCure is a good alternative to the standard mouthpiece. A couple of years ago I tried another option, the Manta-Bite. The thing looks goofy but works exceptionally well - it's better than the SeaCure for eliminating sore jaws since you don't bite down on the mouthpiece at all. As an added bonus, it's almost impossible to accidentally spit your regulator out. Definitely worth a look-see.
if an OOA situation arises. I've been taught to donate the primary, if I have a "custom" mouthpiece for me on the reg that I'm donating, would it be difficult for the diver that is OOA to breathe from it? This may cause more stress on the OOA diver that is already quite stressed by running out of air. The reason I'm asking is that I get quite a bit of jaw fatigue from my standard mouthpiece and this may be a viable option.

I could just donate my octo, longer hose, etc. However, than goes against my training. What do you guys thinks.

PADI Rescue Diver/Nitrox
I have a seacure mouthpiece, and it's something I would recommend. They are quite rigid, (no chewy-squeaky noises, as I am so inclined, which helps me relax), and comfortable if they are cured right. You have to take the time to mess with them to fit you just right, and to trim the excess tags and other hangy things from them. I had to trim the heck out if mine, because it's a lot longer than a regular rubber mouth piece and will cover some of your molars, and as has been mentioned above, it can certainly trigger a sensitive gag reflex.
I had to take mine off during my last dive trip and trade for a smaller one due to a broken molar (ow!), but put it back on as soon as I got the tooth fixed.
As I recall, it was about 30 bucks at my LDS. Money well-spent. Makes your reg a little easier to identify on a cattle boat, too.
I love mine. In an OOA emergency it isn't going to prevent you from sharing your primary.

Yes, they are expensive, but IMHO well worth the money.
I love mine. In an OOA emergency it isn't going to prevent you from sharing your primary.

Yes, they are expensive, but IMHO well worth the money.

Actually I have had trouble being on the receiving end of the reg with a seacure mouth piece in an OOA drill, and I had rahter dorwneed and been brought back wtih CPR then to ever have to deal with that again. The mouth piece was too large for my little mouth and my gag reflex kicked in and I could not keep the reg in my mouth, not to mention it wasn't formed to my mouth and caused problems, and when I oculd hold it my mouth it was so it was not hitting the back of my mouth and this caused a bunch of water to be sucked in with every breathe I took.

I suggest that if you do get this mouth piece thatyou practice an OOA drill with your buddy to make sure that they wiol be able to breathe from it with out being gagged to death, cuz if you are in a real OOA situtation the OOA diver may aready be stressed and on the verge on panic and this could make things worse.

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