StueyinDeep:Impressive post miketsp! Great information.
Now hold on; here was I about to send a link to DAN's article about Sea-urchins (http://diversalertnetwork.org/medical/faq/faq.asp?faqid=93)
but seeing it I realise that miketsp has just lifted the entire page and is parading it around as his own work. I don't know about you, mike, but where I come from that's called plagiarism. You should be ashamed of yourself. Cite your references.
My ankle took a couple of spines once in Thailand and it swelled up to twice normal size yet other times when I took them elsewhere nothing happened....
First, I said I wasn't a doctor so obviously was not claiming that this was any professional opinion.
Second, I did not just lift this off one source.
When there is a single source for material it is my custom just to publish a link as you will see in many of my other posts.
Very little of what is on the Internet is original.
What I published is a collection from more than 4 different sources including some course notes from some time ago.
The DAN page itself is also an extraction from another article which in turn has paragraphs from other pages, some of which are identical, others aren't.
Some of the paragraphs you will find on multiple web sites - I just checked using Google. Others you will not.
PS: I was not aware of the DAN page until your post, nor the name of the original author of the article - Paul S. Auerbach, M.D., M.S.
Pieces of this article appear with small variations on many other sites without reference to the author.