Sea Space an now Coz

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Southeast of Disorder...and San Marcos, Texas
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I'm a Fish!
Went ot SS on Sat. I don't know seemed smaller? more spread out? fewer people? Felt different. I didn't feel the excitement of years past.

Got to see some old friends and met some new ones. Enjoyed lunch with CHSZDRAB but she had to run after lunch for a class. I introduced myself to CaptRandy10 at one of the booths and talked awhile. Very nice and friendly guy. Osmond with CoCo View was there looking tired or board or maybe just dreaming of the tropical breezes through the palms. Oops maybe that was me. :wink: .

There was an interesting car covered with rubber fish and lobster and they would sing and dance. Whoever made that had way too much time on their hands but interesting anyway.

Christi from Blue XT Scuba was in town visiting family.She called me and we met up at the show. Christi brought her mom and sister super nice family. Hi Charlotte. First time I had met Christi looking forward to seeing her in Coz on Tues.

Gotta go pack for Coz see y'all in a week. :dazzler1:
Went ot SS on Sat. I don't know seemed smaller? more spread out? fewer people? Felt different. I didn't feel the excitement of years past.

Got to see some old friends and met some new ones. Enjoyed lunch with CHSZDRAB but she had to run after lunch for a class. I introduced myself to CaptRandy10 at one of the booths and talked awhile. Very nice and friendly guy. Osmond with CoCo View was there looking tired or board or maybe just dreaming of the tropical breezes through the palms. Oops maybe that was me. :wink: .

There was an interesting car covered with rubber fish and lobster and they would sing and dance. Whoever made that had way too much time on their hands but interesting anyway.

Christi from Blue XT Scuba was in town visiting family.She called me and we met up at the show. Christi brought her mom and sister super nice family. Hi Charlotte. First time I had met Christi looking forward to seeing her in Coz on Tues.

Gotta go pack for Coz see y'all in a week. :dazzler1:

I agree about Seaspace. There is no buzz. I'll be going back today, but only because I bought the package deal. I'll go and attend a few seminars, and maybe hang out at the Bay Area divers dive club booth.
I agree about Seaspace. There is no buzz. I'll be going back today, but only because I bought the package deal. I'll go and attend a few seminars, and maybe hang out at the Bay Area divers dive club booth.

Sea Space did seem small. I was hoping to see more equipment manufacturers there. I had the credit cards and checkbook ready to buy, but it was really focused on dive travel it seems.

Some people told me that because DEMA is going to be in Houston this year, alot of the manufacturers pulled out of this show to hold out until DEMA. The problem is that DEMA is not for the general diving public. You have to be in the industry to attend unless you have connections. I'm glad I have connections so I will be able to go.

I was very impressed with the IMAX film. It made the whole show worth it. If you haven't seen it, it's playing at the IMAX now. It's not only for Seaspace participants and visitors.
I ended up going to Sea Space on Sunday.

I thought the show was extremely under attended.
I talked to several of my friends, including Chris and Michele from the Plaza Resort Bonaire, Apple from Dive Paradise, Gaz Cooper from Belize, Dee from Sunset House Grand Cayman, and a ton of others.

Everyone will be back for DEMA. They are all hoping more people will show up, although as said, it will not be the public..and I think they were hoping for more public exposure.
If SeaSpace would change their policy and allow scuba gear sales, I think there would be more attendance by not only the general public but by local dive shops. I was told by one of the dive shops that didn't attend that a booth cost $900 and no sales were allowed. That's just money out of pocket for the shops with no opportunity to re-coup the expense. Plus they still have to keep their shops open and don't have the staff or budget to man both places. I can't say I blame them.

The overall atmosphere changed when they moved it to away from the old location, I forhet the name of the hotel.
I wish they would put one on up here in the Metroplex, except allow scuba gear sales. We have a couple dozen dive shops that could make it a nice show. Arlington Convention Center would be a good, centralized location.
It seems to me that it has been getting smaller each year for some time now, but the most change was this year. I was looking for an O2 analyzer and did not find a single rep there from any company; last year there was at least three on site. The focus this year was definitely the travel aspect, but that is certainly understandable. I plan to go next year, but if it does not improve, I may skip it after that. The only really good part was that many of the resorts were offering "show specials" which seem rather nice.
It seems to me that it has been getting smaller each year for some time now...

That's why I didn't mind missing it. I started going about 8-9 years ago and each year it turns a little more towards travel and away from scuba. The travel aspect makes sense since the guy in charge owns one of Houstons biggest travel agencies.

It's sad when you consider how great it really could be.
and I actually convinced my wife to go with me. Neither of us was particularly impressed.

However, to be perfectly honest, if I had spent some time planning in order to attend one or more of the seminars, it might have been better.

As a working DM, I get a pretty good deal on equipment through my LDS, so I probably wouldn't be looking at any equipment unless it was some revolutionary kind of thing.

Bottom line...........I probably won't go next year.
Went to the HUPS meeting tonite. Director of Seaspace flat out admitted attendance was "mediocre at best", despite heavy promotion and good speakers He is looking for suggestions. Stated that it was promoted as a adventure travel expo deliberately.

Anyway Marty Snyderman made presentation to group that was fantastic. Almost 100 people in attendance.

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