I have been following a thread about internal correction lenses used on full frame cameras especially the S&S internal correction lens. It is a single element meniscus lens with a claimed 2 stop improvement to corner sharpness at wide apertures. Has anyone tried to fit one to a M4/3 camera / lens set up ? I know they only come in 77mm or 82mm but a cheap step up ring could fix this. Also as they are about 8 mm thick, an extension to the port may be required. While the technical data specifies f/f cameras and a large 230mm port, I am inquisitive to know how it would go with the Olympus 9-18 mm behind a 100mm mini dome as some have said this dome is just a smaller portion of a much larger dome. While the Canon diopter in front of this lens does eradicate some corner softness, it does it at the expense of angle of view. An argument some say could be achieved by just zooming in or cropping your image. Anyway, has anyone tried the S&S option or willing to give it a go. I am willing to give it a go if anyone has one lying around. Cheers.