Soggy:I didn't see you, either. I sitting 3rd row right near the center. I was there all day Saturday, mostly either at the Halcyon booth or the MWDC booth. Sorry we missed each other!
When are you diving again?
No problem Soggy, I was just teasing.
Did you check out the LED scout they had? Those halcyon guys seemed pretty cool, I thought one of them said he was Ed Hayes' Cave I instructor?
My back is SO MUCH better these days, so I'm hoping to be back in the water very soon. Once I nail a few training dives, I'd love to sneak in the water with you guys.
Matt, I was looking out for you too - I wasn't there all that long, but I was glad I went.
BTW, another cool thing was checking out the new DR CCR - even though I would probably never dive one, I'm facinated by rebreathers.