I personally know 2 people that have had the MK25 freeze up on them on a recreational dive, ~ 90-100 feet. One was quite stressed before the freeze (heavy breathing, long story) and did a free ascent. The other was just putzing along on a normal dive when it happened. He buddy breathed (7' hoses are very handy), the buddy turned off the reg from free flowing, and they ascended shallower where they turned it back on and it worked fine again once thawed out. Water temps in the high 40's F. Both were very experienced divers. Nothing untoward was found in either reg as they were both serviced afterward. I actually got the tech report on the first one as I was very curious why it would do that.
I would not call the issue common in cold water as a lot of people have the MK25, but I would call it possible.
I would not call the issue common in cold water as a lot of people have the MK25, but I would call it possible.