An old wives tale is that a satin finish will retain traces of lube longer than a mirror polish.
Call me an old wife then. Every hydraulic/pneumatic actuator, accumulator, or landing gear strut I've ever opened or serviced had a cross hatch pattern purposely put into the cylinder wall so that the fluid or lubricant is better retained. This pattern retains the fluid or lubricant so that the seal effectively "floats" on the fluid and reduces wear. Windshield wipers are much more effective on a new windshield than an old one because after years of sandblasting the windshield hold a bit of water in the tiny pot marks. Now, I don't mean for you guys and gals to go out there and use a cylinder hone inside your regulator, but I'm against a mirror finish on the cylinder wall and piston stem. Smooth is good for windshields-bad for pistons and cylinders. there Old Man.