I'm curious how sand can cause piston degradation in a MK25. The piston head is plastic, there's a 'wiper' o-ring that keeps any debris away from the LP o-ring, and there are bushings keeping grit away from the HP o-ring.
I could theoretically see very sandy water irritating the wall of the ambient chamber, but I don't see how it could damage the piston. The piston edge (that's what gets restored in rsingler's great article) only gets wet in the event of flooding. I think any damage there is usually the result of careless handling during rebuild, or maybe a really dirty fill, or I guess just lots of time and some oxidation. The shaft can get glazed where it goes through the HP o-ring, but I've never seen deep scratches on one.
What I have seen, several times, is corrosion on the underside of the piston head, sometimes exasperated by shims or bushings trapping water underneath, and pitting in the ambient chamber wall. But that's from salt water, and maybe that's more what you are referring to.